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你参加了一次中英中学生联谊夏令营(summer camp),请根据下列表格内容,...


你参加了一次中英中学生联谊夏令营(summer camp),请根据下列表格内容,用英语写一篇活动介绍。字数在100左右。 











游览之余向中国学生介绍           英国学生的日常学习、生活情况,并在英语学习方面帮助中国学生。





One possible version:    During the summer holidays I took part in a school summer camp. There we made some new friends who were senior students from Britain.   As host,we showed them around many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. We also told them about the great changes taking place in recent years. And they said Beijing was quite different from what they had heard of and it was a beautiful city.   Meanwhile, we improved our spoken English with the help of them. I think the summer camp is of great value to both the Chinese students and the British students.




  It was not ________ _________ the first workers’ league ________ ________ _________.


  We should ________ our  _________ to the aging population in China, which will _______

  a great _________ _________ the whole society.


   He always _______ _______ ________ , but he hasn’t ________ _________ so far.


   There are some students _________ _______ _______ _______ what they don’t really know, which is ________ to them.





1.He ________(允许)us to read his letter just now.

2.________(显然) nobody made an apology to him.

3.We admire him for saving the d________(快溺死的)man.

4.People hope children will have fun _______(庆祝) the festivals.

5.They feel ______(自信)they will win the match.

6.He found a wallet, c_________(含有)some money and an identity card.

7.To our ________(宽慰), he was rescued.

8.She was ________(授予)a medal for bravery.

9.People g______ in the hall for the celebration on the eve of the National Day.

10.Why are they in danger of ________(消失)?




   Americans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people, the government lists a few dangerous places where Americans cannot go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There, the traveller might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called a passport(护照).

This passport is a government request for the safety of its travelling people. It is also a government’s pledge(保证) that the people will obey the rules of the host country(东道国).

To receive a passport from the government, a traveller must prove that he is an American citizen (公民). An American can not go overseas(外国) without a passport. Only certain close countries such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports.

Pasted (粘贴)inside the passport is the traveller’s picture. Children travelling with their parents are included in one parent’s book.

Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveller might carry plane tickets, money, clothing and many other things. But the most important that he carries in another country is his passport.

1.A passport is not needed when an American goes to ______.

A. foreign countries   B. dangerous areas   C. Canada or Mexico   D. countries overseas

2.From the passage we can see that ______.

A. children can’t travel to foreign countries         B. Americans like to travel

C. a traveller is not safe in most countries      D. Americans like to travel to close countries

3.Why does a traveller need a passport?

A. He needs something more to carry when he travels.

B. It helps the country to protect the people.  C. He needs to have his picture taken more often.   

D. It helps the traveller to know where he will go.





 The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff(东西) they call “books”.

   I was going to have my examination the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked myself. I didn’t answer, In fact I dared not.

   The clock struck twelve. “Oh, dear! ” I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the most unhappy creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.

   The clock struck one. I was quite desperate(绝望的) now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God, please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.

1.When the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house were ________ .

   A. asleep           B. outside       C. working in bed    D. quietly laughing at him

2.Reviewing his lessons didn’t help him because   ____  .

   A. it was too late at night                   B. he was very tired

   C. his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn’t keep them open

   D. he hadn’t studied hard before the examination

3.What do you suppose happened to the author the second day?

   A. He went to a church to pray again      B. He got an A in the exam

   C. He failed in the exam                D. He was punished by his teacher

4.The best title for the passage would be _________ .

   A. The Night Before the Examination        B. Working Far into the Night

   C. A Slow Student                        D. Going Over My Lessons




  Language is always changing. In a society where life continues year after year with few changes, the language does not change, either. The earliest known languages had difficult grammar but a small, limited vocabulary. Over the century, the grammar changed, and the vocabulary grew. For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth century gave names to all new plants and animals they found. In this way, hundreds of new words were introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies. Today life is changing very fast, and language is changing fast too.

 There are several major language families in the world. Some scientists say there are nine main families, but other scientists divide them differently. The languages in each family are connected, and scientists think that they came from the same parent language About 3 percent of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families.

1.The early language had ______.

A. a lot of problems                 B. words and easy grammar

C. words but no grammar              D. grammar but not many words

2.In the next few hundred years we can expect language to ______.

A. stay exactly the same             B. change a great deal

C. change only a little              D. add more words and drop some grammar

3.What this article shows is that ______.

A. languages change fast      B. languages really don’t want to change

C. language changes with changes of society     D. Spanish and English change

4.From this article we can see that ______.

A. language can change very slowly or very quickly

B. if we don’t change, then our language won’t change, either

C. we should give our plants new names

D. English and Spanish are the only languages that have changes



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