满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______ somewhat weak infrastructure, Ho...

 ______ somewhat weak infrastructure, Hong Kong’s overall economic performance and business

efficiency make it Asia's leading financial capital for a long time.

  A. Although           B. While                C. Despite of           D. In spite of



 Few pleasures can equal ______ of achieving your goal after hard work.

A. the one            B. it                   C. that             D. one



 There is no power like ______ power of confidence, and there is no student as competitive as ______

student who trusts his own abilities.

A. the; a             B. a; the               C. /; a                 D. the; /





以下是演讲要点:  健康对我们任何人来说都是最为重要的。




注意:1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;  2.词数:120字左右; 3.文章题头已给出;

Health is the most important for any of us. ________________________________________













注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


What should you do when your parents become angrily? If your parents got mad, try to have a conversation with them about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They usually will try to change. But they will take some times to change because they always get angry, and that is all they know. You might have to change for your method a couple of times. Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect — like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean the floors. If this doesn’t work, bring in friend that you feel comfortable, and have him or her help you.




根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两个多余选项。

The wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions.  1.He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.

2.A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year.

3.The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.3 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor’s. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds.  4.

Alongside with the Wife-carring World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official “wife-carrying drink.” Then he may continue the race.  5.

While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.”

A.There are a few basic rules.

B.People everywhere hold the event.

C.A special prize is awarded to the team.

D.Do you know how these traditions restarted?

E.This event is becoming increasingly popular.

F.The winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.

G.Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area.



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