满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- James, we have lost the last match ...

 --- James, we have lost the last match against LA. I suppose I should be the one to blame.

   --- Oh, ______. It was just a game, and we still have nearly a whole season to go through.

  A. Forget it.         B. Take it easy.        C. Not at all.          D. Don’t say so.



 --- I haven’t been to Shanghai for years.

   --- No way, you really need to pay a visit there, and you’ll find changes there are _____ imagination.

A. beyond         B. with             C. without          D. for



 Alice, you see to it that the children here are well fed, ______?

  A. don’t you     B. doesn’t she         C. will you         D. would she



 The movie was totally a waste of time. I ______ just as well have stayed at home.

  A. should         B. might                C. could                D. would



 Teamwork is very important in modern society. ______ an effective team member, you need to

develop a team attitude.

  A. Become         B. Becoming         C. Having become        D. To become



 Though suffering a serious injury, Rafael Nadal refused to _______ the game and went on.

  A. give out           B. give in              C. give up          D. give off



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