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The Conservative Party leader David Cameron has been elected British Prime Minister. Labor Party’s Gordon Brown, the   1Prime Minister, had to   2the tears as he said his goodbyes outside of 10 Downing St. And Cameron is the youngest UK prime minister in almost 200 years.

According to electoral rules, the leader of the party that wins a majority in Parliament becomes the new prime minister and forms the new government. If no party wins a majority, a coalition (联合) government   3several parties may be formed. The head of the coalition party that   4most seats in parliament probably becomes the new prime minister.

In Britain’s May 6 parliamentary   5, Cameron’s Conservative Party won the most seats, but did not get a majority. After negotiations, with an agreement   6between the Conservatives and the third-placed Liberal Democrats, a governing coalition was formed.

Cameron has grown   7a shy primary school student with   8school reports into a famous political   9. He is reportedly a   10of King William IV (1765 –1837). Cameron studied at the elite Eton College, for centuries the school   11the choice for the nation’s wealthiest people to send their male children to. He went   12to Oxford University, where he graduated with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.

Once at primary school, Cameron had the poorest school report in the class. At Eton, Cameron was a problem boy. In 1983, he was suspected of taking drugs. He was punished, and   13ordered to copy 500 lines of Latin text. He   14the incident and worked harder.

Cameron was very   15at Oxford. He captained the tennis team there. He was a member of a dining society. After graduation, he   16politics. In 2001 Cameron became a member of Parliament and in 2005, at the age of 38, was elected the leader of the Conservative Party.

Now he has been elected the head of a country   17deep economic troubles. At least 1.3 million people have been   18in the serious financial crisis. British voters will be looking to see   19the program his party has proposed to deal with the problem   20do anything to help.

1.A. latest             B. current          C. former               D. latter

2.A. hold back          B. hold off         C. hold on          D. hold out

3.A. is made up of      B. consisting of        C. is composed of       D. makes up of

4.A. holds              B. takes                C. includes         D. contains

5.A. selection          B. election         C. conference           D. negotiation

6.A. reached                B. arriving at          C. coming to            D. establishing

7.A. with               B. of               C. from             D. for

8.A. excellent          B. poor             C. average          D. outstanding

9.A. people             B. character            C. image                D. figure

10.A. son               B. grandson         C. relative         D. descendent

11.A. is                    B. has been         C. had been         D. being

12.A. on                    B. up               C. down             D. out

13.A. otherwise         B. therefore            C. nevertheless     D. however

14.A. survived from     B. recovered from       C. benefited from       D. changing from

15.A. silent                B. positive         C. active               D. enthusiastic

16.A. took to               B. toot after           C. took off         D. took over

17.A. faced             B. facing with          C. faced with           D. faces

18.A. laid off              B. laid down            C. laid aside           D. laid out

19.A. that              B. what             C. if                   D. how

20.A. can               B. should           C. must             D. need


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B     6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D        11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C        16.A 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.A

 --- Have you heard that the pop star was charged with taking illegal drugs?

   --- It’s difficult for a fun like me to accept that. _________.

A. He has to kill the fatted calf.                B. He has feet of clay.

C. He must be the apple of his parents’ eye.    D. He must be the salt of the earth.



 --- James, we have lost the last match against LA. I suppose I should be the one to blame.

   --- Oh, ______. It was just a game, and we still have nearly a whole season to go through.

  A. Forget it.         B. Take it easy.        C. Not at all.          D. Don’t say so.



 --- I haven’t been to Shanghai for years.

   --- No way, you really need to pay a visit there, and you’ll find changes there are _____ imagination.

A. beyond         B. with             C. without          D. for



 Alice, you see to it that the children here are well fed, ______?

  A. don’t you     B. doesn’t she         C. will you         D. would she



 The movie was totally a waste of time. I ______ just as well have stayed at home.

  A. should         B. might                C. could                D. would



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