满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 At ...



At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop. I thought the job would be easy and stress-free. I   1myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnut (炸面包圈), and becoming friends with   2customers.

          But I wasn't   3the people with enormous orders, the women who   4that the coffee was much too creamy (全乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees   5again and again until they reached perfection. I couldn't seem to  __6__ anyone.

          One rainy day, one of my regular customers came in looking 7. He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the   8up over his head, and staying there for a few years. I knew exactly how he felt.

9he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was   10, since he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee, I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.

“It’s   11me,” I told him. “have a nice day.”  

He smiled and thanked me before heading back out into the 12.

The next day, it was still raining. I   13my afternoon hanging out the window, handing people their 14. I was completely wet and freezing cold.   15, no one was tipping that day. Every time I looked into our  16tip jar, I grew more depressed.

In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window. He handed me a pink rose and a  17.He said that not many people took time to 18others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away.I ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:


         Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It's so nice to meet someone who’s genuinely (真诚地) nice.Please don ' t change your  19! Have a great day !——Hank

         After that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high,  20my throat and ask politely, "How can I help you?"   

1.A.believed           B.supposed          C.pictured                 D.hoped

2.A.particular            B.regular                C.special                 D.common

3.A.thinking              B.expecting           C.guessing               D.considering

4.A.complained       B.praised              C.doubted                 D.explained

5.A.repeated              B.remade              C.recovered              D.returned

6.A.fit                       B.please                 C.suit                       D.meet

7.A.satisfied             B.anxious              C.upset                    D.happy

8.A.hat                    B.sheet                C.coat                        D.pillow

9.A.Before            B.While                 C.Until                    D.After

10.A.embarrassed     B.angry                  C.surprised                 D.glad

11.A.on                 B.after                  C.for                         D.in

12.A.crowd               B.street                 C.shop                       D.rain

13.A.spent                  B.wasted              C.cost                       D.took

14.A.doughnuts       B.coffees               C.orders                     D.bags

15.A.Better            B.Later                C.Further                    D.Worse

16.A.old                B.full                 C.broken                   D.empty

17.A.letter             B.gift                C.note                        D.bill

18.A.talk about       B.care about           C.hear about             D.know about

19.A.way                B.product              C.mind                     D.job

20.A.cut                B.force                    C.raise                        D.clear


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B        6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C              11.A 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D           16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 

 It is only in the last sixty years that        any evidence that Loch Ness Monster might exist.

A.there has been        B.there was         C.it has been            D.it had



 ________all his courage, he invites Celine to get off the train with him.

A.To gather          B.Gathered    C.Gathering         D.Being gathered



 _______of the household rubbish _______recycled or reused since the new technology was applied.

A.Three-fourth; has                                       B.Three-fourth; have been

C.Three-fourths; has been                             D.Three-fourths; have



 Young people go to college with the expectation that ____________ educated people get a higher pay.

A.good             B.better            C.best                  D.the best



 Write down the key words that you __________ your students to find in the passage.

A. make                     B. hope                 C. suggest                      D. expect



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