满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was ________ the soldier did at the ...

 It was ________ the soldier did at the spot of the accident, not what he said, ______ moved all the citizens of the whole city.

A. that; what                     B. what; that

C. that; that                   6ec8aac122bd4f6ewhat; which




A. here the bus comes            B. here is the bus coning

C. here comes the bus            6ec8aac122bd4f6ehere the bus is coming



 — I don’t feel like going to the sports meet next week. There are too many excellent athletes.

— It is foolish of you to _______ trying.

A. give in                      B. give up

C. give off                     6ec8aac122bd4f6egive away



 — Did you return the book to me? Why can’t I find it anywhere?

— ________. You were writing a letter at your desk at that time.

A. I will give it to you            B. I did give it to you

C. I had given it to you            6ec8aac122bd4f6eI do give it to you



 The old worker _______ a very practical plan at the meeting yesterday, but it was turned down by the manager.

A. put off       B. put on      C. put up      6ec8aac122bd4f6eput forward



 — Were you caught in the heavy rain this morning?

— Yes, I was. _______ had I left home than it began to rain dogs and cats.

A. No sooner        B. Seldom     C. Hardly       6ec8aac122bd4f6eNever



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