满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




When I come across a good article in reading newspapers,I often want to cut and keep it.But just as I am about to do so,I find the article on the   1side is much interesting.It may be a discussion of the way to   2in good health,or advice about how to behave and   3yourself in society.If I cut the front articles,the opposite one is likely to suffer   4,leaving one half of it or keeping the text    5the title.Therefore,the scissors would stay before they start,    6the cutting would be halfway done when I find out the   7result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time,both worth your   8.You can only take up one of them;the other has to wait or be   9up.But you know the future is unpredictable—the changed situation may not   10you to do what is left behind.Thus you are   11in a difficult position and feel sad.How come nice    12and clever ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   13greatly on your preference of your one choice to the other.

In fact that is what   14is like;we are often   15with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both  16like a newspaper cutting.It often occurs that our attention is   17to the thing only after we get into another.The former may be more important than the latter and this   18a divided mind.I still remember a philosopher’s   19:“When one door shuts,another opens in life.”So a casual(不经意的)    20may reward one.

1.A.same             B.opposite       C.either         D.front

2.A.get              B.bring          C.1ead           D.keep

3.A.enjoy            B.help           C.conduct        D.dress

4.A.damage           B.destroy        C.hurt           D.injury

5.A.on               B.for            C.without        D.off

6.A.or               B.but            C.so             D.for

7.A.satisfying       B.regrettable    C.surprising     D.impossible

8.A.courage          B.patience       C.strength       D.attention

9.A.given            B.picked         C.held           D.made

10.A.persuade        B.agree          C.allow          D.tell

11.A.filled          B.struck         C.caught         D.attracted

12.A.chances         B.conditions     C.wishes         D.ways

13.A.progresses      B.goes           C.changes        D.improves

14.A.study           B.1ife           C.society        D.nature

15.A.supplied        B.connected      C.fixed          D.faced

16.A.available       B.desirable      C.considerable    D.enjoyable

17.A.turned          B.transferred   C.paid           D.drawn

18.A.gives way to    B.gives rise to                    C.gets through to    D.gets close to

19.A.remarks         B.sayings        C.slogans        D.comments

20.A.behavior        B.action         C.choice        D.attitude


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.D    6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C     11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D    16.B 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C

 In the dark forest _______, some large enough to hold several English towns.

  A. stand many lakes               B. lie many lakes

  C. many lakes lie                 D. many lakes lies



 Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it.

  A. none of them     B. both of them    C. none of whom    D. neither of whom



 After the new technique was introduced, the farmers produced ________ grain in 2006 as five years before.

  A. as twice much    B. as much twice   C. twice much as   D. twice as much



 The man,_______ is often parked in front of our house, is a famous surgeon.

   A. who’s car     B. of which the car   C. the car of which   D. whose car



 – Can you tell me ___________?

    – An engineer from Jinan Iron and Steel Plants.

    A.what your friend is                                B.who your friend is

    C.what is your friend                                D.who is your friend



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