满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The dead soldier lay on the ground, a r...

 The dead soldier lay on the ground, a red flag          him,with only his head         .

A. coverd,exposed     B.covering,exposing  C.was coverd,exposing D.covering,exposed




你们班组织全班同学以“ Should we give money to beggars?” 为题,开了一个讨论会.



一些同学认为 应该给

1 大部分乞丐都是假装的;


3 会助长懒惰;


1. 孤寡老人不能自食其力而乞讨;

2. 有些学生因家境贫困,付不起学费而乞讨;

3. 有些残疾人也只能以乞讨为生;



注意:1. 文章的开头已给出另一些学生认为 不应该给

2.词数120 左右 ( 不计已给的开头语)

3  参考词汇: inferior group 弱势群体

 We have had a heated debate today on whether we should give money to beggars and we have different opinions…





One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker

to be mending. A week later I got them back and put them away.    1._______

Four months after that, I invited to dinner. I took out a pair of         2.______

shoes I haven’t worn them since they were repaired. I put one        3.______

shoe on my right foot, and the others on my left. But it felt as          4.______

if it was on the wrong feet. I took both shoes off for a closer           5.______

look. They were exact the same design, color, and size, but           6.______

each is for the right foot. Then I thought of the shoemaker.              7.____

Though I was sure he wouldn’t remember me before such a          8.______

long time, I called him. “Thank goodness, you finally called!”          9.______

he said excitedly, “The angry woman has been troubling me        10.______

for months.”    




1.Xiaowen was born without the _______ to use her legs and has no _______ below the waist.

2.Today there are many o _________ for disabled people to develop their _________ , live a rich life and make a __________ to society.

3.__________ is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or being smart. _________, it seems that creative thinking, ___________ is one of the most ________ skills in society, is a _________ of habits.




1.Is there any_______ (可能性) for you to win the match?

2.It is not enough to have ________ (同情) for the disabled people.

3.He was a________ of cheating in the entrance exam.

4.The manager says the idea is ________ (值得的) of consideration.

5.He has never _______(羡慕)the rich luxurious pleasures.

6.I’m _________ (意识到的) that great changes will take place soon.

7.The police found a large q ________ of illegal drugs in his home.

8.As is known to all, it is important to know your own strengths and w__________.

9.On a ________, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

10.Since she is good at b _________, she can always get things at the reasonable price.




(Wang goes to Boston by train. Now he is at the inquiry咨询 offices.)

  Clerk: May I help you, Sir?

  Wang: Yes, I’d like some information about the trains to Boston.

  Clerk:   1.Wang: Tomorrow. I have to be there well before lunch time.

Clerk: There’s a train at 6 am.  It’ll get you there at 11am.  2..

  Wang: And I have to get up very early too.  3.

Clerk: Yes, There’s one at 8:30 am train. That arrives in Boston at 11:40 am.

  Wang: I think the 8:30 train will be my best choice.  4.

  Clerk: Do you want to buy a single fare(车费) or round trip ticket?

  Wang: What’s the difference?

  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 15 percent of the fare.  5.

  Wang: A second class.

A. Where do we pay the fare?

B. But there are many stops along the way.

C. What’s the fare?

D. When do you want to go?

E. Do you prefer a first class ticket or a second class?

F. Are there any non-stops to Boston?

G. I’ve got plenty of pocket money.



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