满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

–You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?...

 –You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

   --_______. How I wish to go there!

   A. Yes, I have.  B.Yes,I haven’t.      C. No, I Have.        D. No, I haven’t.



 Winning is usually a cause for celebration,       may not be so for US president Barack Obama,      won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 9.

   A. it ; which   B.which ; which      C. which ; whom      D. which ; who



 Jim didn’t come back untill 12 last night, so his father        very late waiting for him.

   A. stayed up   B. stayed away       C. stayed over        D. stayed  ahead



 She brought with her three friends, none of       I had ever met before.

   A. them           B. who              C. whom            D.which



 The how-to book can be of help to       wants to do the job.

   A. whoever        B. no matter who      C. whomever        D. who



 News came from the school office      Wang Lin had won the first prize in the national competition.

   A. which          B. what             C. that              D. where



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