满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The professor gave orders that the test...

 The professor gave orders that the test ____before 5:30.

A. be finished     B. will finish   C .will be finished    D. shall be finished



 The possibility of a way out of the impasse(僵局) had never _____ to anyone.

   A. happened     B. occurred    C. appeared   D. flashed



 I appreciated ____ the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.

A. having been given   B. having given  C. to have been given  D. to have given



 _______, I’d have told you.

A.  If I would have known         B.  If I had have known

C.  Had I known                   D.  Should I know 



 He reads newspapers every day to keep himself      about what's going on in the world.  

A. inform        B. informing        C. informed         D. being informed



 We        such great progress without your efforts. Thanks a lot.

   A. shouldn’t have made              B. couldn’t have made

C. were unable to make               D. mustn’t have made



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