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ARGENTINA’S new government faced public ...


ARGENTINA’S new government faced public anger over its recent decision to greatly reduce the dollar value of its citizens’ bank savings. More than two-thirds of Argentine bank savings were in US dollars. The country’s recession (衰退),which is in its fourth year, has left a third of Argentine’s 36 million people in poverty.

A few angry people took the streets on January 21, beating pots and pans in protest. And a group of unemployed Argentines demanding jobs blocked a major highway into Argentina’s capital city, Buenos Aires.

Argentines fear they could lose up to half the dollar value of their savings. Some on the street said the country’s fifth president in the past month has already failed them.

After three weeks in power, President Eduardo Duhalde has broken his first and biggest promise. He said he would return people’s savings in the currency in which were deposited(开户). Duhalde aims to make exports more competitive. But this is expected to have a serious effect on ordinary families, for the simple reason that in Argentine, 80 percent of loans and mortgages(抵押) are in dollars. The government froze all the bank savings made in dollars, worth US$45 billion in total to stop a run on banks. This cause huge street protest earlier this month and contributed to the downfall of two governments. “Most of my life savings were just taken away from me, “ said Jose, a 38-year-old citizen. “I was going to move to Italy but now I can’t because my money is trapped here. Argentina is like a prison.”

The government loosened the new banking rules a little bit on January 17. However, people still don’t have free access to their bank account. They are only allowed to take out rapidly devaluing pesos, even though their savings are in US dollars.

The banking controls will remain in place for about three months, with a few exceptions for the elderly or people with sever illnesses who need crash.

1.How many people have been left in poverty because of Argentina’s economic recession?

A. all Argentines people                    B. 24 million people

C. 12 million people                    D. 36 million people

2.What cause Argentines to protest in the streets earlier this month?

A. Argentina’s economic recession.

B. Argentina’s new government made its people angry.

C. Argentina’s government froze all the bank savings made in US dollars.

D. Two of Argentina’s governments failed to make exports more competitive.

3.What does the sentence… my money is trapped here” mean_____?

A. My bank savings have been frozen by the government.

B. I don’t want to take my money away.

C. I don’t have any money in the bank.

D. My money has been taken by the Italian government.

4.According to the article, which of the following sentences is correct?

A. people can get their money from the bank freely.

B. People are only allowed to get US dollars from the bank.

C. The government will only allow people to get pesos from the bank.

D. The banking controls will loosen a little in three months’ time.

5.Argentines cannot get US dollars from the bank unless they are_____.

A. ordinary people                  B. rich or government officials

C. poor people                      D. old or seriously ill


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D      


In its latest move to fight online piracy (盗版), the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has shut down hundreds of BT file-sharing websites,    1the popular BTChina.net. The name BT is short for BitTorrent, one of the most common   2methods used in   3. As a result of     4, the more people who download the same thing, the   5the downloads get. BT sharing has been the means of choice for users to trade software , music, movies, and digital books, TV dramas and pirated DVDS and CDs. These BT sites were shut down either for operating without a    6, or for copyright problems.

The closure of BT sites has    7millions of young Chinese netizens. Liu Pei, a 27-year-old IT engineer who visits BTChina most nights to get a    8movie, was upset by the change. “It was so popular and I can’t believe it has   9from my life overnight,” he told China Daily newspaper. The shutdown might have an immediate   10on the amount of downloads, but over time it will   11quickly, according to Hurvitz, a member of the foreign counsel (法律顾问) for Kangxin Partners PC.

Netizens are beginning to search for new download   12. “The problem is, if you shut down the top    13BitTorrent sites, then people are simply going to go to number three, number four or number five on the list,” Hurvitz said. Whether netizens like it or not, SARFT said the    14sites will have to solve the “copyright (版权) problem” if they want to reopen. Copyright should be   15. If you don’t pay for    16, investors lose money. Then no one will make movies in the future, experts say.

In the future, some    17say, the concept of “downloading” will disappear. The Internet’s future is completely “online”, a founder of one software downloading website told Information Times. Eventually, you may not have to bother downloading content to your computer, but just   18it online, the founder said. But the concept of “copyright” will still be there, inspiring talented people to create    19things, in which they take pride, and from which they make    20.

1.A. except         B. beside           C .but              D. including

2.A. upload         B. download         C. reading          D. listening

3.A. England        B. America          C. China            D. India

4.A. sharing        B. broadcasting     C. selling          D. purchasing

5.A. less           B. worse            C. slower           D. faster

6.A. leader         B. monitor          C. license          D. computer

7.A. satisfied      B. disappointed     C. excited          D. touched

8.A. sad            B. foreign          C. paid             D. free

9.A. developed      B. destroyed        C. deferred         D. disappeared

10.A. effect        B. affect           C. impression       D. advantage

11.A. rebuild       B. recover          C. disappear        D. spread

12.A. ways          B. methods          C. sites            D. experts

13.A. two           B. three            C. four             D. five

14.A. popular       B. reopened         C. opened           D. closed

15.A. remembered   B. protected        C. argued           D. discussed

16.A. movies        B. plays            C. songs            D. music

17.A. teachers      B. experts          C. engineers        D. students

18.A. buy           B. sell             C. download         D. enjoy

19.A. strange       B. popular          C. new              D. old

20.A. money         B. future           C. friends          D. information




 She will never forget her stay there __________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.

   A. that            B. which        C. where     D. when



 ------Do all _______ you think are right, _______ others say.

   ------yes,  I________.

A. what; as; do         B. as; no matter what; will

C. that; whatever; will   D. what; whatever; must



 As you ______ new words in context, it is a very good method for you to guess their meanings.

   A. come about      B. come across    C. come out     D. come up



 Charles Babbage is generally considered ____ the first computer.

A. to invent      B. inventing     C. to have invented   D. having invented



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