满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Did you tell Jimmy that we’ve put off ...

 —Did you tell Jimmy that we’ve put off the meeting?

—No. He rushed out _____ I could say anything.

A. in case    B. after    C. before    D. unless



 —______ I lock the lab before I go home?

—Don’t bother. I’ll check it myself later.

A. May   B. Must     C. Can      D. Shall



 Interestingly in some parts of the world, women are expected to earn money _____ men work at home and raise their children.

A. but    B. though   C. because    D. while



 Leaders of many countries have been trying to _____ what it is that makes China develop so

fast in recent years.

A. carry out    B. figure out    C. watch out    D. make out


 I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do this evening. _____, I will try every

possible means to come to your birthday party.

   A. Even though    B. If so   C. Anyhow    D. Instead



 My toothache is killing me. I _____ it _____ away. But now it’s getting worse and worse.

   A. think; is going          B. thought; was going   

C. have thought; is going    D. had thought; had gone



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