满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Keep up good state of mind even if you ...

 Keep up good state of mind even if you _____ fail plenty of times.

A. must  B. will  C. can   D. should


 D 考查should的又一用法,should用在if或even if引导的表示条件的从句中,表示一件事听起来可能性很小,但也不是完全没有可能,相当于“万一”的意思,从句谓语由should加动词原形构成,主句不一定用虚拟语气,如: Please ring me up if you should change your mind. 万一你改变主意,请让给我打个电话。 Should I (If I should) be free tomorrow, I will come. 万一我明天有时间,我就来。

 — Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

— I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.

A. must  B. would  C. should   D. might



 — Mary’s got mad and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?

— Yes, but I _____ her husband first.

A. should have told    B. shouldn’t have told    C. must have told   D. needn’t have told



 My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _____ have taken it?

A. should  B. must  C. could    D. would




1.There are some outstanding             (相似点) between the two plays.

2.Can I rely on you to behave ________(负责任地) while I’m away?

3.Meeting my cousin who had been abroad for six years is really an______(难忘的) experience.

4.Hundreds of thousands of people died in the natural _______(灾难) on May 12th, 2008.

5.Given her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right____(事业)for her.

6.Her latest book discusses the problems of the_________(残疾人).

7.According to John, the college doesn’t make enough _________(准备) for future challenges.

8.The new technology allows the _________(紧急的) services to provide a video link with a hospital or doctor for patients who need special care.

9.The majority of those present expressed a strong          (偏好) for the first proposal.

10.Except for an old desk, he doesn’t have much________(家具) in his room.




 一$1,300, but that’s my last offer.

一OK. It’s a ______.

A. cost                  B. price                      C. reward                          D. deal



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