满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— Are you still going to Shanghai for t...

 — Are you still going to Shanghai for the Spring Festival?

— Yes, but I really _____ because I have a lot of things to deal with.

A. can’t   B. mustn’t   C. won’t   D. shouldn’t


 D should在此表示“照道理”,本句意思是“但我真的不该去,因为我有许多事要处理”。

 It is said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. There _____ be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.

A. wouldn’t      B. mustn’t      C. shouldn’t      D. needn’t



 When Marx was in London, he _____ read at the library for hours.

A. would   B. might   C. could   D. should



 Keep up good state of mind even if you _____ fail plenty of times.

A. must  B. will  C. can   D. should



 — Are you coming to Jeff’s party?

— I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.

A. must  B. would  C. should   D. might



 — Mary’s got mad and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?

— Yes, but I _____ her husband first.

A. should have told    B. shouldn’t have told    C. must have told   D. needn’t have told



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