满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




     I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

     I was on my lunch break and had  1the office to get something to eat . On the way, I 2a

busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some 3in my pocket, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would 4use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He 5like that type-young and ragged. 6what was I going to spend the money on? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then 7I had no right to place myself above 8just because he was busking.

I 9and dropped all the coins into his  10, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As 11as it sounds, I expected something more to come from that moment—a feeling of 12or satisfaction, for example. But nothing happened 13, I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of 14,”I thought.

On my way home at the end of the15, I saw the busker again and he was 16. I watched him pick up the hat and walk 17a cafe counter. There he poured the 18contents into a tin collecting 19an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity(慈善)!

Now I donate any 20I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

1.A. left           B. cleaned            C. prepared             D. searched   

2.A. led           B. chose              C. saw                 D. fooled    

3.A. chocolates     B. coins               C. tins                 D. drugs    

4.A. almost        B. only               C. rather                D. still     

5.A. acted         B. looked              C. sounded              D. smelt    

6.A. Though        B. For               C. Therefor             D. But      

7.A. declared       B. realized            C. expected            D. guessed    

8.A. it            B. all                C. him                 D. them      

9.A. waited        B. followed           C. stopped             D. arrived     

10.A. rag           B. hat                C. pocket              D. counter    

11.A. selfish        B. awkward           C. innocent         D. special       

12.A. happiness     B. sadness            C. love             D. hate           

13.A. Disappointedly  B. Unfortunately    C. Coincidentally  D. Comfortably       

14.A. words         B. effort           C. space         D. money             

15.A. moment       B. day              C. break        D. event              

16.A. walking around  B. passing by        C. packing up   D. running off        

17.A. around        B. in                C. behind       D. to                

18.A. chief            B. basic          C. actual           D. total            

19.A.by               B. for           C. on              D. with             

20.A.work             B. time          C. energy           D.change          


1.A。【解析】由本句中的to get something to eat可以推断出此处选A。 2.C。【解析】句意是:在路上,我看到一个街头艺人,面前放着一顶帽子。选C。 3.B。【解析】根据空后的in my pocket可以推断出此处选B。 4.B。【解析】句意是:我考虑他仅仅是用这些钱去满足自己的毒瘾或酒瘾。选B。 5.B。【解析】根据本句中的young and ragged可以推断出所填词和like构成搭配,意思是:看起来像,选B。 6.D。【解析】此处与前一句是转折关系,故用转折连词but,选D。 7.B。【解析】句意是:后来我意识到我不能把我置于他之上,因为他在街头卖艺。选B。 8.C。【解析】所填词做介词above的宾语,指代那位街头艺人,故选C。 9.C。【解析】由后文的dropped和walked off可以推断出此处所填词意思是:停下来,选C。 10.B。【解析】由前文的with a hat in front of him可知此处选B。 11.A。【解析】根据文章首句可知此处选A。 12.A。【解析】所填词与satisfaction并列,意思应该相近,由此可以推断出选A。 13.A。【解析】根据前一句But nothing happened可知此处选A,意思是:失望地。 14.D。【解析】由前文的coins可知此处选D。 15.B。【解析】根据本句中的on my way home可知所填词意思是:当天,一天,选B。 16.C。【解析】walk around: 徘徊,来回走;pass by:从......旁边经过;pack up:收拾行李;pick up:捡起,拾起;接送;接收。句意是:我看到他在收拾行李。选C。 17.D。【解析】所填介词与walk构成搭配,意思是:朝......走去,表对象,介词用to,选D。 18.D。【解析】根据谓语动词poured可以推断出此处选D。 19.B。【解析】此处所填介词表目的,意思是:为了,用for,选B。 20.D。【解析】根据动词donate和have可以推断出此处选D。 文章导读:“我”曾经是个很自私的人,但是一次特殊的经历教育了“我”——一天午饭时间,“我”出了办公楼去买午饭时,“我”看到门口站着一个衣衫褴褛的年轻艺人在表演,他面前放着帽子,在向路人乞讨,“我”虽然兜里有一些硬币,但“我”想用它们买我喜欢的可乐或巧克力,“我”就想:也许他会拿乞讨来的钱去买毒品或去酗酒。“我”犹豫再三,最后依依不舍地将兜里的零钱放进他的帽子里,“我”站在哪里等了一会儿,但没有体验到“我”想要的满足感,“我”想:这钱是浪费了。而当“我”下午下班回家时,“我”看到那位乞丐走进一家小餐馆,他把自己帽子里乞讨来的所有钱都倒进了设在那里的地震灾区捐款箱内,原来,他在为慈善事业乞讨,从哪以后,“我”每次都将“我”所有的零钱投进捐款箱里,也从此体验到了付出的快乐。

 What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?

           . But we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match..      

   A. Have a nice time.   B. Pardon me        C. That’s great      D. You are right



 It is reported that many a new house      at present in the disaster area.            

   A. are being built     B. were being built   C. was being built     D. is being built



 May I take this book out of the reading room?

   No, you        . You read it in here.                                        

   A. mightn’t        B. won’t          C. needn’t           D. mustn’t



 Studies show that people are more        to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.                                         

A. likely          B. possible          C. probable          D. sure   



 I have to see the doctor because I        a lot lately.                           

   A. have been coughing                   B. had coughed

   C. coughed                            D. cough



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