满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




A few years ago, SARS broke out in the mainland of China, ____1.____ (cause) some people to be killed or nearly got close to____2._____ (die). The situation was so severe _____3.___ there was no time to debate who is to blame. The most important thing for the government to do is to find out ____4.____ cause of this deadly disease. They invited all the most experienced experts in this field to discuss and quite a few suggestions ____5.____ (put forward). Some of the top experts then tested them to see ____6.____ they were available. Doctor Zhong Nanshan chose one patient who was ___7.___(serious) ill and had little hope of picking up and had the new medicine ____8.____(test) on him. To his great joy, this patient recovered! He made his way to his office and telephoned the top official, telling him this exciting news. ___9.____ convenience, he moved to live in his office. His method did make sense. Not soon after that, the other hospitals also controlled this terrible disease ___10.___ kicked it out finally.



1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B   6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C  



In 1956 Phoenix, Arizona, was a city with boundless blue skies. One day as I walked around the house with my sister Kathy’s new parakeet (小鹦鹉)on my finger, I wanted to show Perky 1_____ the sky looked like. Maybe he could make a little bird friend out there. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my 2______, Perky flew off. The enormous(巨大的), blue sky swallowed up my sister’s blue  treasure and suddenly he had gone, clipped wings and all.

Kathy managed to forgive me. With fake optimism(乐观), she even tried to reassure (安慰)me that Perky would find a new  3_____. But I was far too clever to 4______ that such a thing was possible.

Decades later, I watched my own 5_______ growing. We shared their activities, spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the parents of the kids’ friends, the Kissells. The two families went camping around Arizona together. We became the best of friends. One evening, the game was to tell Great Pet stories. One person claimed(宣称) to 6______ the oldest living goldfish. Someone else had a psychic dog. Then Barry, the father of the other family, took the floor and 7_______ that the Greatest Pet of All Time was his blue parakeet, Sweetie Pie.

"The best thing 8______ Sweetie Pie," he said, "was the way we got him. One day, when I was about eight, out of the clear, blue sky, a little blue parakeet just floated down and landed on my finger."

When I was finally able to 9_______ , we examined the amazing evidence(证据). The dates and the locations and the pictures of the bird all matched up. It seems our two families had been connected long before we ever met. Forty years later, I ran to my sister and said, "You were 10_______! Perky lived!"

1.A. what   B. how    C. which D. where

2.A. joy      B. horror     C. disappointment       D. satisfaction

3.A. parent       B. home C. master      D. life

4.A. imagine     B. suppose   C. doubt D. believe

5.A. birds   B. happiness C. worries     D. children

6.A. catch  B. find    C. buy    D. have

7.A. announced      B. said   C. told    D. hoped

8.A. in       B. about C. of       D. on

9.A. think   B. speak       C. interrupt   D. explain

10.A. right B. wrong       C. silly    D. mad



 Many new workers _______ and in six month they will be sent to build a new railway.

A.are being trained         B.are training             C.will train           D.will be trained



 ---Could I borrow your car for a while?

--- _________. I won’t use it today.

A. Never mind                   B. Of course you could

C. You are welcome                          D. By all means       




Barrier Islands

6ec8aac122bd4f6eTexas has an extensive coastline that runs along the Gulf of Mexico. If you look closely at the map, you’ll notice that there are narrow islands located just off the coast of Texas. These are called barrier islands.

Barrier islands stretch along about 15 percent of the world’s coastlines. They are separated from the mainland by a shallow body of water. Some barrier islands spread out for more than 100 miles. In Texas, some of the largest barrier islands include Galveston Island, Mustang Island, and Padre Island.

Barrier islands are fragile (脆弱的) areas that contain an interdependent community of land, plants, and animals. All three need each other to exist. If one is harmed in some way, then the other two can suffer. For example, barrier islands are in constant danger of erosion, or loss of land, from wind, waves, and people. The steady movement of ocean waves and wind moves sand along the beaches. This movement contributes to erosion, which changes the shape and size of a barrier island over time. Plants not only provide animals with food and shelter, but it also helps keep an island’s sand and soil in place. When people pick native plants, it advances the process of erosion. This can harm the environmental balance that keeps an island’s ecosystem healthy. For this reason, visitors to barrier islands are usually warned to leave plants alone and to stay on roads and public beaches so that the land, plants, and animals are not disturbed.  

As their name suggests, barrier islands provide a natural barrier that helps block the mainland from very bad weather such as strong windstorms and hurricanes. This protection saves lives, homes, and money every year. Barrier islands are also a major source of income for an area’s economy. Padre Island, for example, is visited every year by hundreds of thousands of tourists who take advantage of its sandy beaches and beautiful waters that are perfect for swimming, boating, and fishing. The dollars that tourists spend on the island help financially support the region and state.

1.Paragraph 3 is mostly about _____________.  

    A.what barrier islands are like    B.how barrier islands form

    C.how barrier islands can exist    D.why barrier islands are important

2.Which of the following can do harm to barrier islands?

    A.Keeping plants wherever they are.                  B.Going wherever visitors like.

    C.Fishing on public beaches.       D.Driving about on roads.

3.We can tell from the article that the author ___________.

    A.lives on Padre Island and loves it

    B.cares about the ecosystem on barrier islands

    C.wishes less and less travelers would visit barrier islands

    D.is concerned about the beautiful waters around the islands

4.Barrier islands are important because they ___________.  

    A.help prevent bad weather damaging mainland

    B.bring in much more money than mainland

    C.can protect rare plants and animals

    D.provide more shelters for people





One day a small group of young people were at a wildlife park on a field trip.

“Oh, look at her, she's so beautiful.” All of us   1a cheetah(印度豹)named Subira in respect-except a teenage boy called Cory in the back row, who seemed to be   2to himself in impatience. When several members of the group turned in his   3, he brushed the front of his T-shirt as though to   4dust, and, in a gesture clearly meaning to   5us, rolled up the right sleeve (袖子)of his shirt, further showing his well-developed   6.  

Cory had   7of playing professional baseball someday. No one doubted Cory's   8. But that was before the car accident. Not only did Cory lose a   9in the accident but his hope and his spirit.

Seeing such a large audience, Subira couldn’t wait to give the crowd a   10of her skills. “How fast she runs!” one shouted. “But she only has three legs.” one cried.

No one was more   11than Cory. He stared at the animal with the missing leg and he smiled, tears of hope in his   12.

Looking   13into Cory' s face, the organizer explained “It was soon after she came to us that she showed her own worth-a   14gift of love and spirit. In the past few years, the gift of Subira has   15people around the world,and without words Subria has become our most persuasive   16, and the most priceless gift.”

Cory asked   17, “Can I touch her?”

As the rest of the group looked on in amazement, the boy wheeled himself over to the large gate and   18to push it open. The expression on his face was one of great   19. It was clear that Cory had   20the gift of Subira.

1.A. listened to      B. laughed at     C. smiled at      D. stared at

2.A. talking          B. wondering      C. sitting        D. lying

3.A. face             B. direction      C. way            D. attitude

4.A. clear            B. feel           C. remove         D. catch

5.A. amuse            B. impress        C. satisfy        D. frighten  

6.A. fingers          B. body           C. hands          D. muscles

7.A. talked           B. dreamed        C. decided        D. expected

8.A. smartness        B. speed          C. ability        D. mind

9.A. leg              B. arm            C. hand           D. promise

10.A. memory          B. speed          C. show           D. quality

11.A. astonished      B. interrupted    C. terrified      D. disappointed

12.A. heart           B. face           C. expression     D. eyes

13.A. bravely         B. frankly        C. directly       D. immediately

14.A. unique          B. common         C. right          D. difficult

15.A. excited         B. warned         C. described      D. touched

16.A. newspaper       B. spokesman      C. program        D. teacher

17.A. calmly          B. softly         C. bitterly       D. proudly

18.A. wished          B. decided        C. begged         D. struggled

19.A. puzzle          B. disappointment C. satisfaction   D. shame

20.A. received        B. refused        C. seen           D. found  



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