满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




Once upon a time there was an old general (将军).He liked to drink wine better than anything else. He always __1__ several bottles of good wine in his house. He __2__ go out one day, but he was _3___ his servant would drink his wine. Then he thought of a way to __4_ him doing so.

"I'm going out for the day ." he __5__ his servant. "Please _6___ the house for me.There are some meat and two bottles of _7___ in the kitchen .There is also a hen there.But be careful not to _8___ it because it is poisonous.__9___ you drink it ,it will kill you."

But as soon as he left, his servant killed the hen and __10__ it for dinner. He then ate __11__ the hen and the meat, drank the two bottles of wine and went to bed. The general returned home late that evening.He was __12__ to find that the hen, the meat and the two bottles of wine were gone. He then saw his servant __13___ asleep in bed. There were two empty bottles beside him.He woke the servant up.

"What was happened?" he asked.

"I'm very sorry. "His servant replied." After you __14___,a cat jumped in _15___ the window and ate the meat. A dog took the hen away.I know you would be __16___ with me when you returned,__17___ I tried to _18____myself  by drinking the poison .Please __19__ me." The general didn't believe __20__ he said but there was nothing he could do.

1.A.bought                B.stole            C.kept            D.carried

2.A.had to                B.had better        C.should           D.could

3.A.talking                B.writing          C.pleased          D.worried

4.A.stop                  B.keep            C.notice           D.thank

5.A.ordered               B.told             C.asked            D.invited

6.A.take care of            B.leave            C.sell              D.buy

7.A.wine                 B.milk             C.water           D.ink

8.A.touch                 B.kill                 C.forget           D.drink

9.A.Before                B.If             C.Because           D.Since

10.A.hid                 B.threw                                          C.washed          D.cooked

11.A.both                B.all              C.some            D.either

12.A.sure                B.disappointed      C.surprised        D.sorry

13.A.dying               B.lying            C.singing           D.crying

14.A.left                 B.returned           C.knew            D.drank

15.A.near                B.onto             C.under            D.through

16.A.thankful             B.angry           C.satisfied          D.strict

17.A.but                 B.so              C.though           D.that

18.A.fool                 B.teach            C.kill              D.wake

19.A.excuse              B.drink            C.help             D.kill

20.A.when               B.that             C.what            D.How


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D   11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D    16.B 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C    

 --How long are you staying ?

   -- I don't know .______.

      A.It depends.        B.That's OK.        C.Never mind.     D.It doesn't matter.



 The Olympic Games are held _____.

     A.for four years                                   B.each four year

     C.every four years                                 D.every fourth year



 This area experienced ____ heaviest rainfall in ____ month of May.

     A./ ; a                  B.a; the                C.the ; a               D.the ;the



 We offered these students a summer course ,aimed _____ improving their spoken English.

      A.to                      B.of                      C.at                      D.for



 --I can't find John .Where did you meet him this morning?

   -- It was in the hotel _____ he stayed.

     A.why           B.where             C.which             D.What



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