满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My grandfather was a teacher. He was th...


   My grandfather was a teacher. He was the headmaster of a school for boys between thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle man at heart, because when I was young, he gave me presents, and seated me on his knee, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.

At school, when he walked into a room full of noisy boys, there was silence at once. When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eyes, the boy went red in the face, and looked down at his shoes. If a boy brought him poor, careless work that was not the best the boy could do, my grandfather would pick up the boy’s book and throw it across the room, shouting, “Do it all again, and bring it back to me in the morning!” If the boy was late, or if he forgot to bring the work, he had to do it again, and again, and yet again. My grandfather never forgot.

He was a very different man at school from the man I saw day by day in his own home.

1.I knew my grandfather was kind and gentle, because _________

A.he was a teacher. 

B.he let me sit on his knee and told me stories.

C.he told me stories about how kind he was

D.he was the headmaster of a school

2.When he looked at a boy in a certain way, the boy ________

A.went red and could not return my grandfather’s look

B.looked back at my grandfather’s red face

C. looked at his shoes to see if they were dirty.

D. went red in the face because his shoes were dirty.

3.When he received poor work, my grandfather _______.

A.would become very angry.    

B.threw the work on the floor, and shouted across the room

C.threw the book at the boy.  

D.went red in the face

4.He was a different man at home because  ________.

A.he didn’t get angry at home as he did at school. 

B.he was not as gentle at home

C.he didn’t throw books about at school like he did at home

D.he did not get angry at home.


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 


My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict(有瘾的人)… ... With these words I began to_1__the problem,the problem of my telephone addiction.I used to call people_2___, from the moment I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I__3__to be phoned, I wanted to phone, Just one more call. It started socially --a few calls each day. It seemed__4___, just a quick chat Gradually though, the __5__got worse.Soon it was__6___use, until,finally, addiction.  And it began to affect my__7__. During the day I would disappear for___8__call. If I couldn't make a call, I  spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more__9___, in the end, I would ring someone, then someone lelse, __10___myself just one more call.  I was phoning people and__11__messages to make sure__12___calls would see me through the day.I used to arrive at friends'homes and before the door was closed,go straight for the phone with the___13___"Is it OK if I just use the phone...?"At work, I became__14___when my fellow workers tried to__15___me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss(with the phone).finally the police caught me___16___a phone box that had take my last one pound coin, and I was__17___to see a psychiatrist(心理医生. I haven't__18__a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days__19___I used a phone box.. I try not to watch TV because there are__20___people on it mading phone calls.My name is Jim Shelley and I am an addict.

1.A.face           B.find         C.accept        D.notice

2.A.now and then   B.all the time    C.at home      D.at work

3.A.tried          B.asked         C.waited       D.invited

4.A.polite         B.inportant      C.fine         D.special

5.A.condition      B.situation      C.result        D.effect

6.A.frequent       B.regular       C.unusual      D.particular

7.A.friends        B.study         C.family       D.work

8.A.a quick        B.a secret       C.an expected   D.an extra

9.A.hopeful       B.delighted      C.frightened     D.anxious

10.A.forcing       B.telling         C.giving       D.limiting

11.A.leaving       B.taking         C.passing      D.recording

12.A.long         B.immediate      C.enough      D.surprising

13.A.saying       B.demands        C.with        D.words

14.A.careful       B.mad           C.determined  D.helpless

15.A.save         B.reduce         C.protect      D.stop

16.A.destroying    B.using          C.stealing      D.emptying

17.A.offered      B.guided         C.ordered      D.reminded

18.A.missed      B.had            C.received     D.fixed

19.A.as          B.when          C.if           D.since

20.A.always      B.just            C.more        D.different


 The pen, _____ I paid 2 dollars, was lost.

    A. to which       B. for which   C. which           D. that



 He was very rude to the Customs officer, _____ of course made things even worse.                               

 A. who           B. whom     C. that                   D. which


 China has hundreds of islands, _____ is Taiwan.

    A. the largest of which          B. of which largest 

C. which the largest         D. in which the largest


 We travelled together as far as Chicago, _____ we said goodbye to each other.

     A. which               B. when   C. why             D. where


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