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Hunting with birds is a very old sport.I...


Hunting with birds is a very old sport.In some countries the golden eagle is used for hunting wild animals.They are used for hunting foxes and wolves.

Training an eagle to hunt takes a long time.Hunters catch young eagles in nets made of hair.After being trained the eagle is taken to a field.A blindfold over the bird’s eyes keeps it quiet until the hunter is ready.

The eagle sits in the arm of the hunter.The hunter’s arm is covered with a long, special glove to protect it from the sharp claws of the bird.In the field, as soon as the hunter sees a fox or a wolf, he removes the blindfold.The eagle quickly flies into the air and began to look for the wild animal.

The eagle sees the animal and catches it with claws like steel.Its beak and claws are strong enough to hold the animal.Usually, the bird carries the animal back to the hunter.Sometimes fast animals with good eyes can get away.

1.A hunting eagle is trained when_________.

A.it is still young                                B.it is taken to a field

C.its eyes are covered with a blindfold      D.the hunter is ready

2.Hunters use nets made of hair to ________.

A.train young foxes                             B.catch young wolves

C.train young eagles                             D.catch young eagles

3.The trained eagle_______.

A.carries the hunter home

B.wears a blindfold when hunting an animal

C.is covered with a long, special glove

D.has strong claws like steel

4.A hunter wears a special glove to _______.

A.protect his arm from the sharp claws of a trained eagle

B.protect his arm from the sharp claws of a young fox

C.protect his arm from the sharp claws of a young wolf

D.protect his arm from the sharp claws of wild animals

5.According to the text, which of the following is true?

A.Fast animals with sharp eyes are sometimes difficult to catch

B.As soon as the blindfold is removed, the eagle flies into a tree

C.Hunters always blindfold young eagles before training them.

D.Sometimes hunters train young foxes they have caught.



1.A 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.A  



The most   1thing during my long summer holiday last year, of course is my trip __2__England.This was my first time to go abroad, so it really made me   3.

At first,I went to Shakespeare's   4.It was the house   5Shakespeare was born and   6his early years.  7sitting room, hallway, bedrooms, and kitchen were furnished (布置) in sixteenth-century    8.I also went to see the Shakespeare Exhibition.It showed Shakespeare's life and career in both Stratford and London.

I really enjoyed this nice trip to England,   9I learnt a lot.I'm very happy that I could visit such an interesting   10.I want to go there again in the future.

11A.unforgettable          B.unexpected         C.fashionable         D.famous

12A.at                     B.for               C.on                D.to

13A.excited                B.disappointed       C.exciting             D.disappointing

14A.school               B.birthplace         C.room               D.home

15A.who                 B.that                C.when              D.where

16A.paid                   B.spent               C.cost               D.took

17A.It's                    B.Its                 C.It had              D.It was

18A.style                  B.site                C.shape              D.shade

19A.for which            B.which              C.from which        D.in which

20A.place                  B.town               C.country            D.summer


When I was a boy,  every holiday that I had seemed wonderful.In those days the sun seemed to shine always brightly   1.the water was always warm.Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country,   2.ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees.There were   3.in one’s pockets or good places where one could   4.ice creams.Each day seemed a lifetime.

Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good   5.is much the same as it was.I   6.like the sun and warm sand and the sound of waves beating the rocks.I no longer wish to   7.any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets.  8., I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.

Sometimes I   9.what my ideal holiday will be like when I am old.All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about   10.who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make themselves sick of too many ice creams.

11.A.and                 B.yet                 C.but               D.or

12.A.exploring            B.examining          C.repairing         D.measuring

13.A.sweets             B.sand              C.ice-creams       D.money

14.A.make               B.sell                 C.buy               D.offer

15.A.house              B.holiday             C.garden            D.tide

16.A.hardly              B.almost               C.still               D.perhaps

17.A.destroy             B.fix                 C.use               D.build

18.A.But                B.However           C.Otherwise        D.Besides

19.A.wonder            B.feel                  C.understand        D.believe

20.A.children            B.boys                 C.girls              D.grown-ups



 As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when ________ and see him.

    A.you will come                                  B.will you come                          

       C.you come                                        D.do you come



 It rained heavily.And it was very kind of him to        his umbrella with me .

       A.share                  B.take                    C.bring                   D.use



 I’ll take ________ wants to go.

A.that                 B.who                C.whoever         D.whomever



 You didn’t bother me.________ ,I like your company.

    A.In other words                                 B.On the contrary                         

       C.For one thing                                    D.On the other hand



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