满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My grandmother has been suffering from a...


My grandmother has been suffering from a bad cough these days.  1old people seem to get diseases often, I got  2about my grandmother when a friend told me about her grandfather  3a stroke and diabetes.

I  4my grandmother every day asking about her sleep, her diet or what she buys, to  5she is all right. It is now that I  6how much my family   7to me. Remembering my grandma cooking dinner for me, I am  8to find that if I think about it, there are lots of things that move me to  9. I found that my dad was taking   10of the roses in my bedroom to make sure they were  11when I went back from school on the   12. On the Sunday , my parents take me   13to campus and gave me fruits, snacks, and drinks as if nothing was  14at college.

But I   15none of this before. I used to phone them if I had problems and would   16without a thank-you as soon as I got the   17. My grandma’s problem   18me of how important family is. The world is attractive to us teenagers and we seem to have a great career to pursue and many   19. But most important of all, we have a   20to care for and love for.

1.A.Unless B Although C.Until      D.D.Whether

2.A.bored B.delighted   C.disappointed    D.worried

3.A.having B.considering C.curing   D.governing

4.A.write B.save C.call D.dream

5.A.carry out B.make sure   C.point out   D.put forward

6.A.realize   B.miss C.regret   D.doubt

7.A.excites   B.touches  C.means    D.encourages

8.A.amazed B.interested  C.frightened  D.annoyed

9.A.thanks B.sweaters C.tears    D.hopes

10.A.fun  B.part C.hold D.care

11.A.worse    B.friendly C.valuable D.lovely

12.A.space    B weekend  C.time D.place

13.A.back B.right    C.straight D.away

14.A.beneficial  B.cheap    C.available   D.comfortable

15.A.noticed  B.accepted C.adapted  D.performed

16.A.show up  B.hang up  C.burn up  D.bring up

17.A.agreement   B.decision C.exchange D.solution

18.A.reminds  B.informs  C.approves D.robs

19.A.impressions B.invitations

   C.responsibilities    D.explanations

20.A life B.family   C.friend   D.soldier


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B  6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D  11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A  16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B

 _________I saw her, I was amazed with her good behavior.

  A.The first time                B.For the first time

C.At first time                 D.In time of



 They’d like to see her daughter settle_________, get married, and have kids.

  A.down          B.on            C.in              D.up



 I haven’t read_________of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he is a very promising writer.

  A.any           B.none          C.both            D.either



 In the traffic accident, his father came close to __________.

  A.be killed     B.killing       C.kill            D.being killed



 --- This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

   --- Yes, I know him very well. He_________in Africa on wild animals for eight years.

  A.has worked                    B.had worked   

C.worked                        D.has been working



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