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It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled a great deal.   1travel can be very educational for anyone,  2he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand.   3the language of the new country would be    4for the traveler to attempt,   5the benefits of such an effort would become    6immediately after his arrival. It   7not seem important to him when he is comfortably situated at home,   8knowing how to   9a meal or rent a room is essential for the newcomer in a   10country.    11knowing the language, it is very difficult for the stranger to   12the people of the new country and   13customs.

Of course, in our small world, it is   14possible to find someone who understands 15own language, but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be   16, he can see places and things without the use of a language,   17places and things are   18the heart of any country. To get the greatest benefit from a trip to another country, it is indeed   19for the visitor to have an understanding of the   20.

1.A. national                     B. international           C. domestic               D. abroad

2.A. if                              B. unless                       C. since                 D. so

3.A. Knowing       B. Saying                      C. Learning                D. Studying

4.A. easy                         B. simple                       C. difficult             D. impossible

5.A. and                           B. therefore               C. although                D. but

6.A. obvious                     B. invisible                C. useful               D. useless

7.A. did        B. must                         C. may                      D. can

8.A. although                    B. but                       C. where               D. when

9.A. order                        B. book                         C. cook                     D. eat

10.A. foreign                    B. familiar                 C. particular           D. peculiar

11.A. By                          B. When                       C. With                     D. Without

12.A. meet                       B. see                       C. hear                      D. understand

13.A. his                          B. its                        C. their                  D. our

14.A. often                       B. never                        C. seldom                  D. only

15.A. his                          B. your                         C. our                       D. their

16.A. sure                        B. ensure                      C. insure               D. honest

17.A. for                          B. but                       C. though                  D. as

18.A. usually                    B. not                       C. only                      D. very much

19.A. possible                   B. impossible                 C. useless                  D. important

20.A. country                   B. people                       C. language                D. customs


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.C

 Whom was it up to ________ the matter?

A. decide          B. to decide         C. deciding           D. decided



 He invited us to his birthday party but if she doesn’t go today, ________?

A. nor do I            B. neither do I      C. nor shall I          D. neither I shall



 ______ his arrival, John was given a warm welcome by the local people.

A. For           B. At            C. On            D. In



 ______ your proposal, I’m pleased to inform you that most committee members consider it acceptable.

A. ConsideringB.       Regarding              C. Seeing               D. Supposing



 To _______ his good nature, we tried to persuade the boy to change his behavior.

A. bring out                B. make use of                    

C. take advantage of          D. account for



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