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Princeton University Location The Univer...


Princeton University


The University is in Princeton, New Jersey. It is an hour's train ride south of New York City and an hour's train ride north of Philadelphia.


There are 4,600 undergraduates (本科生). There are also 1,900 graduate students, but Princeton is unusual among universities in having a student body made up largely of undergraduates.


Princeton has about 700 full-time faculty members (教员). There are another 300 or so part -time and visiting faculty. All faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.


Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees: the bachelor (学士) of arts (A.B.) degree and the bachelor of science in engineering (B.S.E.) degree.

Academic Year

An academic year runs from September to late May and lasts two terms (fall and spring). A normal course load is four or five courses per term, although many students take extra courses.


Princeton provides housing for all undergraduate students. Freshmen and second-year students are required to spend their first two years in one of five colleges. Each college has its own dining hall, common rooms and computer centers.

Fees and Expenses (Academic Year 2004-2005)

Tuition (学费): $29,910

Room and board: $ 8,387

Other expenses (books, telephone, etc.): $ 3,083

Total: $ 41,380

1.How many kinds of faculty members are there in Princeton University?

  A. One.               B. Two.               C. Three.         D. Four.

2.In Princeton University, an undergraduate will pay at least ________ for the Academic Year      2004-2005 besides tuition.

  A. $ 41,380            B. $ 52,850            C. $11,470       D. $ 8, 387

3.In what way is Princeton University different from other American universities according to the text?

  A. It has five colleges.

  B. Its students are mainly undergraduates.

  C. It provides housing for all undergraduate students.

  D. All the faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees.

  B. An academic year lasts about nine months in Princeton University.

  C. Undergraduates should spend their first two years in one of five colleges.

  D. It's about an hour's train ride from Princeton University to the north of New York City.


1.C 2.C   3.B 4.D


    The private automobile (私家车) has long played an important role in the United States. In fact, it has become a necessary and important part of the American way of life. In 1986, 69% of American families owned at least one car, and thirty-eight percent had more than one. By giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has freed them from having to live near their place of work. This has encouraged the growth of the cities, but it has also led to traffic problems.

    For farm families the automobile is very helpful. It has made it possible for them to travel to town very often for business and for pleasure, and also to transport their children to distant schools.

Family life has been affected in various ways, The car helps to keep families together when it is used for picnics, outings, and other shared experiences. However, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents can't keep an eye on them. There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs, or showing off by speeding or breaking down traffic laws. Mothers of victims (受害者) of such accidents have formed an organization called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). These women want to prevent further tragedies. They have worked to encourage the government to limit the youngest drinking age. Students have formed a similar organization, SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) and are spreading the same message among their friends.

For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an adult. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.

1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

       A. Cars have encouraged the growth of the cities.

B. Cars can bring families together when they go for picnics.

C. Cars have enabled people to live far from their place of work.

D. Cars help city families to transport their children to faraway schools.

2.What has been done to deal with the problem of drunk driving?

A. Patents have paid more attention to their children.

B. Some organizations have been set up against drunk driving.

C. Mothers have tried to persuade their children not to drink alcohol.

D. University students have asked the government to solve the problem.

3.We can infer from the text that ____________ in America.

A. it will be more difficult for people to get new cars

B. parents will not allow their children to have their own cars

C. the government will encourage people to use public transportation

D. cars will still be popular though they have caused many problems




   It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee.     1I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed     2. I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls     3their souls belonged to the     4.

I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man     5in front of it. "I'm Steve", he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can't talk with you. I'm     6", he said. He was chatting online with somebody--probably someone he didn't know -- and,      7, he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was      8.

Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried     9to speak to that computer geek (怪人),     10not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was     11. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, "   12!"

I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I     ___13, and saw nobody showed any interest.

14, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more    15having a relationship with the    16, particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to   17the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines    18with people.

I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn't even    19that the coffee was bad,    ___20Steve didn't notice there was a person next to him.

1.A.Before                     B.Since                  C.Although                     D.While

2.A.pain                        B.loneliness            C.sadness                       D.fear

3.A.because                   B.when                  C.until                            D.unless

4.A.home                      B.world                 C.Net                              D.Cafe

5.A.sleeping                  B.laughing              C.sitting                         D.learning

6.A.busy                       B.thirsty                C.tired                            D.sick

7.A.first of all                B.just then              C.at the same time    D.by that time

8.A.surprised                B.delighted             C.moved                        D.frightened

9.A.once                       B.again                  C.first                            D.even

10.A.but                       B.so                       C.if                                D.or

11.A.excited                  B.respected             C.afraid                          D.unhappy

12.A.Shut up                 B.Enjoy yourself C.Leave me alone           D.Help me out

13.A.walked about         B.walked out          C.raised my hand       D.raised my head

14.A.From then on        B.At that moment C.In all                              D.Above all

15.A.interested in           B.tired of               C.careful about       D.troubled by

16.A.computer              B.soul                    C.shop                            D.geek

17.A.tell                        B.plan                    C.imagine                        D.design

18.A.other than             B.instead of            C.except for                   D.as well as

19.A.pretend                  B.understand           C.insist                           D.realize

20.A.as if                      B.just as                 C.just after                     D.even though 



 Do you think it’s _______ it to spend a hot summer helping poor children learn English?

 A. worthy         B. worth         C. worthwhile      D. meanwhile



 --- You should have stopped him when he _______ in anger.

--- I _______, but it so happened before I could.

 A. left; was going to  B. had left; had to  C. left; did  D. had left; would



 I don’t believe what you said. It is not like her father, who is an honest man, _______ anyone in business.

   A. cheating       B. to cheat      C. cheats         D. cheated



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