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Nowadays, most employees of local high-t...


Nowadays, most employees of local high-tech industries are below the age of 35,and for newly rising industries such as computer software and the Internet, the figure is below 30.People in this age bracket(阶层)are known as Generation-X, which is made up of those born between 1963 and 1981(i.e those aged between 17 and 35).Compared with those born from 1946 t0 1960, Generation-X are typically independent, they also have their shortcomings. Employees often complain that Generation-X are a group hard to manage. Although willingness and enthusiasm are highly valued by Generation-X, they will not accept orders blindly. In short, Generation-X will not accept authoritarian(权力主义) leadership. They expect their leaders to have a detailed understanding of the job, and most importantly, to treat them as an important member of them as partners.

As a result, managing Generation-X employees is not a science but also a art. There are basic guidelines to follow in managing them and helping them perform at their best.

1.   Support them in their quest(追求)for knowledge skills;

2.   Room for creativity and failure.

3.   Provide frequent and timely feedback(反馈)

4.   Provide communication channels.

If managers follow these basic guidelines, they may find that the employees they once considered as young, selfish and uncontrollable turn out to be responsible and energetic team players.

1.Generation-X in this article refers to the group of people who are ___

A. educated employees below the age of 35.               B. young hard-working workers in factories.

C. often praised by the mangers                                D. born after the year of 1963

2.From the article we know that the writer_____

A. thinks highly of Generation-XB. feels disappointed with Generation-X

C. has a better understanding of Generation-X     D. suggests that the managers be strict with Generation-X

3.If you were a manager working with Generation-X ,you should ____.

A. treat them as equals and encourage them to try new ideas.

B. Give them orders frequently and make them work hard.

C. Let them know they are selfish and uncontrollable.

D. Warn them that they may lose jobs at any time.


1.A 2.C 3.A 



Once you’ve found the right taxi, problems of fares, meters and other charges come into play. In some countries, all taxis are1, and the government regulates fares so you can expect 2problems. But in other places you may find drivers 3to use meters, 4the car should be equipped with one. The best way in such cases is to 5on their use, if you know meters are available.

  But 6countries where there truly are no meters? There are two methods you can use.

  One is to discuss the fare 7you get into the car. In Russia, this is the only way _8.”You call a taxi, and when the driver _9, you don’t get in,” a (an) 10_ traveler say.” The driver will   11over to the passenger side window, you tell him where you want to go, then discuss a price.”

  But another man takes a different approach on his trips to Latin America. His “never-ask-the-fare “policy 12_ like this.” While I’m in the airport, I ask three or four people to get an idea 13how much it will cost to get to my destination,” he explains.” I 14ask the driver how much it is, I just pay 15than what the people said. If it’s more, the driver will tell you.”

  When a fare does 16to be more than you expected, think about your choices. Of course, a large difference may 17you arguing with the driver. 18, one traveler makes the point that this 19may amount to pennies when you consider exchange rates.” Choose your fights,” she says.” Is it worth 25 or 50 cents to 20a taxi driver?”

1.A. fixed                B. metered         C. fastened               D. controlled

2.A. tiny                    B. some                C. many                             D. few

3.A. unwilling          B. unforgettable     C. unsure                     D. unknown

4.A. if not               B. as if                 C. even though          D. so that

5.A. lie                B. insist                C. learn                       D. lay

6.A. what about          B. what for           C. what if                    D. what though

7.A. when                  B. after                 C. before                     D. while

8.A. that does          B. it is done        C. it will do                  D. which does

9.A. pull out               B. pull over           C. pull down                D. pull off

10.A. excited              B. surprised       C. disappointed          D. experienced

11.A. bend              B. learn              C. move                             D. get

12.A. looks             B. thinks               C. works                     D. seems

13.A. for                    B. on                    C. at                            D. with

14.A. always              B. never                C. ever                        D. often

15.A. lower                B. higher               C. more                       D. less

16.A. turn out             B. turn over       C. turn about                D. turns back

17.A. let                     B. make                C. leave                   D. force

18.A. Even              B. However           C. If                            D. So

19.A. trouble              B. problem            C. difference                D. expense

20.A. argue with         B. deal with        C. fight with             D. talk



 The committee is also undertaking the important educational work ____the consensus of the members _____ the best form of conservation is the prevention of damage.

A. based on; that         B. to base on; which     C. based on; which  D. to base on; where



 ——What is ____ population of China?

    ——It has ____ population of some 1.3 billion.

A. the; theB. a; aC. the; a              D. a; the



 Unable to practice their traditions, many young Roma _____ illegal behavior, such as stealing, and were usually the main suspects when anything went missing.

A. took toB. took upC. made upD. took along



 The disease malaria, which is spread by mosquitoes, kills over one million children yearly. ______, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives each year.

A. However               B. On the contrary         C. On top of this      D. As a result



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