满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项...


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no __1__ left. When she heard her daddy say to her __2__ mother, “Only a miracle(奇迹)can save him now”, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She __3__ all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she  __4__ her way six blocks to the local drugstore.

“And what do you want?” asked the chemist.

“It’s __5__ my little brother,” the girl answered back. “He’s really, really sick and I want to get a __6__. His name is Andrew and he has something __7__ growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him.”

“We don’t __8__ miracles here, child. I’m sorry,” the chemist said, smiling __9__ at the little girl.

In the shop was a __10__ customer. He bent down and asked the little girl, “What kind of miracle does your brother __11__?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “He’s really sick and mommy says he needs a(n) __12__. But my daddy can’t pay for it, so I have brought my __13__.”

“How much do you have?” asked the man.

“One dollar and eleven cents, __14__ I can try and get some more,” she answered quietly.

“Well, what a coincidence(巧合),” smiled the man. “A dollar and eleven cents-the __15__ price of a miracle for your little brother. __16__ me to where you live. I want to see your brother and __17__ your parents.”

That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon(外科医生). The operation was completed __18__ and before long Andrew was __19__ again.

The little girl was happy. She knew exactly how much the miracle __20__ ... one dollar and eleven cents ... plus the faith of a little child.

1.A. time                      B. medicine                   C. money                            D. food

2.A. tearful                          B. hopeful                     C. helpful                            D. regretful

3.A. emptied                        B. pulled                       C. put                          D. poured

4.A. followed                B. made                        C. felt                          D. found

5.A. with                      B. about                       C. for                           D. from

6.A. drink                            B. doctor     C. tablet                           D. miracle

7.A. bad                       B. small                        C. extra                        D. new

8.A. display                         B. offer                        C. sell                          D. store

9.A. calmly                          B. sadly                        C. strangely                  D. coldly

10.A. well-dressed                B. kind-hearted              C. well-behaved            D. good-looking

11.A. have                           B. need                         C. make                       D. like

12.A. companion                  B. surgeon                    C. protection                 D. operation

13.A. savings                       B. wishes                            C. ideas                        D. worries

14.A. because                      B. so                            C. though                            D. but

15.A. same                          B. exact                        C. proper                      D. reasonable

16.A. Bring                          B. Send                        C. Take                        D. Drive

17.A. help                            B. encourage                 C. persuade                  D. meet

18.A. surprisingly         B. secretly                     C. successfully             D. separately

19.A. happy                         B. well        C. strong                           D. fat

20.A. meant                         B. covered                    C. measured                 D. cost


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C  6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A              11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.B        16.C 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D

 _______ to their own work, most of the parents spend little time with their children.

       A. Devoting                  B. To be devoted           C. Having devoted         D. Devoted



 What a pity! I _______ in Hainan two more days, but something urgent needed to be dealt with back home.

A. must have stayed                                     B. needn’t have stayed   

C. may have stayed                                     D. could have stayed



 —Is that the small company you often refer to?

   —Right, just the one ________ you know I used to work for years.

    A. that                    B. which                   C. where                   D. as



 Traditionally, Chinese people _______ the Chinese characters Double Happiness and stick them onto walls or doors for weddings.

       A. cut out                            B. cut off                            C. cut up                      D. cut down



 —How did you feel when Liu Xiang won the gold medal in Osaka?

       —I couldn’t be ________.

       A. very excited              B. more excited             C. most excited             D. less excited



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