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My bed is supposed to be the best part of my home — the place where I go to find   1and relaxation after a long, stressful day. So, lately, why do I get   2just looking at it? I can’t leave this problem unsolved to the next day, because I can’t get to   3in the first place: I am a victim of insomnia (失眠).

I’m not   4: studies show that more than one in three people worldwide   5insomnia. It takes different   6: some people can get to sleep on time, but   7much too early; others get a full-night’s sleep but still   8very tired when they wake up. And then there are people like me, ordinary insomniacs who toss and turn all   9, trying to fall asleep.

Insomnia is most commonly a side effect of depression, but it can   10be caused by many other ailments (小病痛). To find the   11, doctors first find out the cause by   12a “sleep diary,” in which you record your sleep habits. The diary may reveal (揭示) lifestyle patterns,  13an afternoon nap, which are causing your   14. Dr. Mark Dyken, a specialist in sleep disorders, writes that, “a good sleep diary can often   15the patients to ‘cure themselves.’”

A good night’s sleep is created during the day.   16in the beginning or middle of the day, and   17from caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes in the afternoon and evening. After dark, dim (使暗淡) the lights and try to   18stress. Our bodies like consistent (一贯的) patterns, so we should let   19know that it’s time to wind down.

If you can’t fall asleep, keep the lights   20. Try reading a book or listening to soft music. You’ll most likely be asleep.  

1.A. courage                   B. knowledge                C. decision                     D. energy

2.A. nervous                   B. comfortable              C. calm                          D. satisfied

3.A. live                         B. rest                          C. sleep                          D. play

4.A. sad                         B. alone                        C. pleased                      D. afraid

5.A. suffers from            B. benefits from            C. quarrels about             D. struggles for

6.A. ways                      B. effects                     C. results                       D. forms

7.A. get up                     B. wake up                   C. dream                        D. turn over

8.A. feel                         B. become                    C. prove                         D. look

9.A. evening                   B. day                          C. night                          D. time

10.A. still                       B. also                          C. even                          D. only

11.A. cause                    B. reason                      C. excuse                       D. cure

12.A. keeping                 B. discussing                C. writing                       D. describing

13.A. as                         B. like                          C. for                            D. about

14.A. illness                    B. question                   C. problem                     D. worry

15.A. have                      B. allow                        C. let                             D. make

16.A. Sleep                     B. Work                       C. Read                          D. Exercise

17.A. stay away              B. come out                  C. stay out                     D. make out

18.A. remember              B. increase                    C. keep                          D. reduce

19.A. it                          B. that                          C. them                          D. this

20.A. bright             B. low                C. bad                 D. good


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A    6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B    11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B    16.D 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B

 _______ about Lucy, the teacher called her parents to find out why she was so often absent from class.

A. Concerning      B. Considering      C. Concerned           D. Considered



 A survey _______ in 2002 by the Computer Security Institute, a private organization in the USA, showed that 90 percent of the 503 biggest companies and government departments questioned _______ their security systems _______ into in the previous year.

A. conducted ; had ; broke               B. conducted; had had ; broken

C. was conducted ; had had ; broken       D. to be conducted; had ; broke



 He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity ________.

 A. to lose         B. losing          C. to be lost             D. being lost



 There is no doubt ______ international cooperation is key to ______ with cybercrime, as Vinton Cerf has said that the problem of cybercrime is _______ huge that it requires UN to form a special agency to act as an international referee or steward.

A. whether ; doing ; so                 B. that ; dealing ; so

C. whether ; dealing ; such              D. that ; doing ; such



 --- Shall we go to Xufu Cultural Fair right away?

   --- ______.

A. It’s your opinion  B. I don’t mind     C. That’s your decision  D. It’s all up to you



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