满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- Journalists tend to give false info...

 --- Journalists tend to give false information nowadays. How do you find it?

    --- I can’t agree more, they are not always _______ in what they write.

A. abstract              B. adequate             C. accurate               D. active



 --- Is there any possibility ________ we can get a ticket for The 2010 Shanghai World Expo?  --- Of course, yes. You can either go to the Expo in person or buy ________ through the Internet.

A. which; it                  B. that; it                    C. that; one                D. which; it



 China’s quick reaction and the public efforts have ________ the rapid restoration(恢复)and reconstruction of Wenchuan.

A. applied to           B. contributed to         C. adjusted to           D. resulted from



 One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is that they are based on common interest ________ appearance, age or popularity.

A. in case of               B. in the form of         C. in spite of            D. instead of



 The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is intended to achieve our common goal: ________world that is safer, cleaner and healthier than ________ one we’re living in.

A. the; the             B. a; /                  C. a ; the              D. the ; /  






Last week, I had a survey about the activities the students of our class did at noon at school.

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Last week, I had a survey about the activities the students of our class did at noon at school.

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