满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Suppose you want to go abroad and learn...


      Suppose you want to go abroad and learn about the foreign exchange in culture in different c

ountries.Here is some information you may need.

Name:Susan Lane       Age:22

Place:Reykjavik, Iceland, 1994.



Experience:“I think it was a turning point in my life.I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing another culture and seeing how other people live.”


Name:Sara Small        Age:23

Place:Crivitz, Germany, 1996.


Organization:EF Foundation

Experience:“I love the traveling and I made a lot of friends.I found the European school system to be hard but I am fluent now in German so it was worth it.I did miss my family and friends in Australia but I would love to do it again.”


Name:David Links       Age:16

Place:Stuttgart, Germany, 1996.


Organization:Southern Cross Cultural Exchange

Experience:“I wanted to try something that was very different in culture.In Germany everything was different but I soon got settled.The family I was with was great and I really feel as though I have a second family.”


Name:Tom Jennings      Age:21

Place:Conflans, France, 1995..


Organization:Southern Cross cultural Exchange

Experience:“There were times when it was difficult but I liked it, experiencing a different culture.You just have to play each situation as it comes.If there is one thing you learn when you are on a student-exchange program it is how to take care of yourself.”


Name:Linda Marks       Age:19

Place:Chonburi Province, Thailand, 1994.


Organization:Rotary International

Experience:“There are lots of ups and downs, but you always come back for more.I had a few problems but there was always someone to turn to and that was great.”

1.According to the information, taking part in a foreign exchange program can cost _______.

      A.from $6,000 to $8,000                         B.from $3,500 to $8,000

      C.anything from $3,500                           D.no more than $7,000

2.Most of the students had their trips organized by ________.

   A.EF Foundation                                     B.AFS    

      C.Rotary International                             D.SCCE

3.The students who refer to both the good and bad times as an exchange student include ______.

   A.Susan Lane and Sara Small                    B.Linda Marks and David Links

   C.Tom Jennings and Linda Marks              D.Susan Lane and Tom Jennings


1.B 2.D 3.C          


Far from a Family Christmas

My Air Force room in Florida was   1and quiet—I was alone.My five roommates were

gone for the holidays; I had chosen to    2behind in the camp.Being young and far from my home, I felt   3.My room was comfortable enough,   4I hadn’t realized until then what made it so—the   5of others walking, joking or just lying on their beds.

      I was not able to sleep.I was    6of being on my own—in fact, preferred it at

times—but tonight was   7.Tossing and turning in the darkened room gave no   8.The last sign of daylight had disappeared,   9my inner depression.  10, the glow of Christmas lights on the tall pines would only   11me of my great misery.

      Suddenly, I heard weak sound of men   12to sing.Yes, the voices grew louder and came

my way.I  13still, enjoying the sound.

      In the corridor(通道,走廊)   14my room, voices came near enough for me to hear

Christmas carols(颂歌) being   15.Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied by holiday   16.The first held a Coke bottle with a lit candle   17its top.The others formed a dancing line behind him.

18I was in the room, with joyful faces in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me

several carols, wished me a   19and left as fast as they had arrived.

I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow,   20that someone had cared.

1.A.clear                        B.empty                C.amusing          D.interesting   

2.A.remain                     B.leave                  C.help                      D.work

3.A.disappointed             B.friendly              C.lonely                   D.lost

4.A.also                         B.still                    C.however               D.but

5.A.impatience                B.presence            C.interest                 D.delight

6.A.capable                    B.able                   C.skilled                   D.experienced

7.A.poor                        B.good                  C.different               D.standard

8.A.fun                 B.comfort           C.effort                D.progress     

9.A.appealing to              B.sticking to          C.leading to              D.adding to

10.A.Therefore               B.Otherwise          C.Besides                 D.Yet

11.A.remind                   B.recall                 C.remember             D.think

12.A.managing               B.attempting          C.happening             D.deciding

13.A.noticed                   B.slept                  C.lied                       D.lay

14.A.opposite                 B.beyond              C.out                       D.within

15.A.announced              B.accepted            C.played                  D.offered

16.A.noise                      B.confidence         C.cheer                    D.optimism

17.A.stuck in                  B.attached to         C.tied to                   D.involved in

18.A.Watching               B.Seeing               C.Guessing              D.Admitting

19.A.good luck               B.happy New Year C.merry Christmas    D.happy birthday

20.A.grateful                  B.satisfied             C.pleased                 D.surprised



 ---- You mean the position is still not occupied?

   ---- Yes, but you must know that our job is very demanding.

   ---- _______.

   A.With pleasure                               B.I don’t mind

   C.Don’t mention it                            D.That’s all right



 The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ______ for the day.

    A.finishing              B.finished              C.had finished          D.had been finished



 Madonna _____ a straight-A student, but it was dancing that she was really crazy about .

    A.must be           B.could be          C.must have been     D.could have been



 She treasured the notebook very much, in which _____ her mother’s telephone number.

    A.recorded            B.recording         C.was recorded       D.were recorded



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