满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In history,a real cowboy was a simple f...


       In history,a real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback.He spent a long time a day outdoors working with cows.The work was dirty,tiring and not very well paid.

       People in the western states had to __1__ cattle at low cost and send them by railway to the eastern __2__.But someone had to __3__ the cattle and get them to the nearest railroad.This was the job of a cowboy.Sometimes the __4__ was more than a thousand kilometers away and it could take as __5__ as six months to move the cattle.The __6__ was long but the cattle were driven __7__ as not to lose __8__.Then they could be sold at a good price.

       Most cowboys were young, __9__ men.A good horse _10__ their job of moving cattle much easier.A good cowboy __11__ cows and knew how to control them.At night,he __12__ to the cows to keep them calm.

       In the late 1800s,America was changing from a nation of farm to one of __13__ and cities.The cowboy seemed __14__ compared with other Americans doing ordinary jobs.

       Today,the __15__ of cowboys has __16__ greatly.One change is the use of trucks.The job is not so hard __17__ it used to be.And cowboys are better __18__ now.They are _19__ to be married.Some of them are farmers or teachers or truck drivers.Some work for big companies.

       __20__ at night and on weekends,they become cowboys.These part-time cowboys increase the total production of meat,keeping the beef price low.

1.A.get                          B.buy                     C.sell                     D.raise

2.A.markets                   B.countries             C.cities                   D.stories

3.A.deal with                 B.find out               C.look after            D.pay off

4.A.road                        B.railroad                C.state                   D.farm

5.A.good                       B.much                  C.long                    D.far

6.A.journey                    B.trip                     C.tour                    D.travel

7.A.hurriedly                  B.smoothly             C.slowly                 D.carefully

8.A.mind                       B.direction              C.head                   D.weight

9.A.unmarried                B.proud                  C.strong                 D.educated

10.A.had                       B.made                   C.found                  D.helped

11.A.recognized             B.understood          C.owned                D.kept

12.A.whispered              B.shouted               C.cried                   D.sang

13.A.towns                    B.factories              C.companies           D.villages

14.A.free                       B.brave                  C.easy                    D.pleased

15.A.manner                  B.job                      C.life                      D.mind

16.A.changed                 B.developed            C.improved             D.realized

17.A.that                       B.as                       C.which                 D.what

18.A.known                   B.paid                    C.treated                D.dressed

19.A.afraid                    B.eager                   C.worried               D.likely

20.A.Because                 B.And                    C.When                  D.But


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C                                6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B                               11.B 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C                              16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.D

 .She insisted that she ______ not guilty , but we insisted that she ____ into prison

       A.was; be put                                        B.be ; was put     

       C.should be; was put                            D.was;  should put



 2.I found her nice and honest ____ I saw her.

       A.for the first time                                   B.the first time                                 

       C.on the first time                                   D.at first



 I have ______ my husband again and again not to smoke , but I can’t ______ him.

       A.persuaded, advise                              B.advised, persuade 

       C.suggested, persuade                            D.suggested, advise



 He asked Mary whether she had passed the exam ________.

       A.yesterday            B.the day before     C.the day ago          D.before the day



 More than _______ of the classmates in my class ____ fond of pop music.

       A.two-third, is                                      B.two-thirds, is    

       C.second-third, are                                D.two-thirds, are



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