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Dear Julia,

       You said in your letter that you are always trying to improve         1.

your English, and your English teacher didn’t appear to appreciate       2.

your efforts.So you felt disappointing and lost the desire to learn      3.

English.You know teachers are very busy and maybe your teacher    4.

is struggled to provide personal attention for all the students              5.

in their class.In my opinion, it is a fact of life that sometimes           6.

people’s hard work went unnoticed.Though it is nice to receive       7.

encouragement and support, parts of growing up is learning to be       8.

motivated and study independently.So keep on to working hard       9.

at your English because you stop, you are sure to fail.                    10.


Li Hua




       To hitch-hike successfully in any country you must be able to do two things: attract attention and at the same time convince the driver at a glance that you do not intend to rob or murder him.To fulfill the first requirement you must have some mark to distinguish you at once from all other hikers.A serviceman, for instance, should wear his uniform, a student his scarf.In a foreign country an unmistakable indication of your own nationality will also arrest a driver’s attention.

       When I hitch-hiked 9,500 miles across the United States and back recently I wore a well-tailored suit, a bowler hat and a trench coat, and carried a pencil-thin rolled black umbrella.My suitcase was decorated with British flags.Having plenty of luggage, moreover, I was not likely to be suspected of being a dangerous lunatic(精神病患者).I then had to get across to the driver the idea that I was a real traveler, and needed to get somewhere cheaply.

       But even with careful preparation, you must not assume(认为) that the task will be easy.You should be prepared to wait a little, for there are drivers who confess to(承认) a fierce prejudice against, (not to say hatred of), hitch-hikers, and would no more pick up a hiker than march from Aldermaston to London.In America, my average wait was half-an-hour, and my longest two hours, but I have heard of people waiting all day; they probably took less pains to make themselves easy to notice.

       Nor must you assume that all the drivers who stop for you are nice, normal people.On one occasion I found myself driving with two boys of about nineteen who turned out to be on the run from the police, and were hoping to use me as an alibi.There are also lesser(较小的) risks: you may find yourself in the car of a Fascist fanatic, a Mormon missionary(传教士), or just a bad driver.You cannot tell, of course until you are in the car.But you soon learn the art of the quick excuse that gets you out again.

       If the hitch-hiker in the U.S.will remember that he is seeking the willingness of drivers to give him a free ride, and is prepared to give in exchange entertainment and company, and not go to sleep, he will come across the remarkable, almost legendary, hospitality of American of the West.It will also help if he can drive—I think that I drove myself about 4,500 of those 9,500 miles I hitch-hiked in the States.

1.A hitch-hiking serviceman should wear his uniform       .          

       A.so as not to look too unusual            B.to attract attention

       C.to show he is on duty                  D.to put the driver at ease

2.In paragraph 3, we learn that the writer     

       A.has sometimes failed to hitch a ride

       B.has marched from Aldermaston to London

       C.has always been successful in hitching a ride

       D.has had to wait for long hours for a ridew

3.The main idea of Paragraph 4 is that       

       A.it is dangerous to be in a car with strangers

       B.hitch-hiking may turn out to be risky sometimes

       C.a hitch-hiker must also learn the art of quick excuse

       D.hitch-hikers might come across bad drivers

4.In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to tell us that a hitchhiker should     

       A.not talk to the driver too much

       B.fall asleep to make it a peaceful ride

       C.try to make himself pleasant and entertaining

       D.seek the willingness of drivers

5.A suitable title for the passage would be     

       A.“The Art of Hitch-hiking”                   B.“An Englishman’s View of the U.S.”

       C.“An English Hitch-hiker”                    D.“The joys and Dangers of hitch-hiking




       You don’t have to ask Barack Obama what it is like to be a president-elect.Chances are you can be one, too, and it won’t take more than 30 years’ efforts to achieve that.

       A new computer game, Commander in Chief, offers the chance to step into the president’s shoes and see whether you can do a better job running the country than he can.

       The video game will be available on January 20, the day Obama is sworn in (宣誓就职) as president.

       So what will you do in the game?

       Like Obama, your early task is to select members of the Cabinet(内阁)from 250 personality types.Then you immediately face internal(国内的)and external(对外的) challenges.Every decision you make has an in-game consequence.高☆考♂资♀源€

       “You can put your own political theories into action and see the domestic(国内的)and international effect,” said the lead designer Louis-Marie Rocques.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eInternal decisions involve managing budgets, security, education, health care and discussion over many proposed laws.You also have to respond to critics.Every decision has a consequence, which changes the political environment.For example, raising taxes will raise criticisms and protests while lowering taxes means you will have less money to play with.

       What about external decisions? Well, you have to deal with military issues, global economics, trade agreements, and spending time lobbying(游说)other presidents.You can determine the course of world events by invading(侵略)a neutral country, or toppling(推翻)an unfriendly country but then you must face the economic, political, and military consequences.

       Don’t want to be president of the US? The game also lets you become virtual(虚拟的)leader of other countries including France, Germany, Spain and Russia.

1.The purpose of writing this passage is mainly to    

       A.show you how hard it is to be the newly-elected president, Barack Obama

       B.explain why the video game is so popular among American citizens

       C.introduce to you one special computer game, Commander in Chief

       D.inform how designers developed the interesting computer game

2.Which of the following items belongs to internal affairs in the game?高☆考♂资♀       A.Managing budgets, responding to critics and military issues.

       B.Managing budgets, raising taxes and trade agreements.

       C.Health care, discussing proposed laws and lowering taxes.

       D.Education, security and lobbying other countries.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

       A.Those who want to be a president one day will get a taste of their private life.

       B.The first task in the game is to form the Cabinet consisting of 250 members.

       C.The video game has hit the stores in America and enjoys sales success.

       D.Like a real president, the players will face challenges at home and abroad




       Bernice Gallego sat down one day this summer, as she does pretty much every day, and began listing items on eBay.She dug into a box and pulled out a baseball card.She stopped for a moment and admired the picture.“Red Stocking B.B.Club of cincinnati,” the card read, under the reddish brown color photo of 10 men with their socks pulled up to their knees.

6ec8aac122bd4f6eAs a collector and seller, it's her job to spot old items that might have value today.It's what Bernice, 72, and her husband, Al Gallego, 80, have been doing since 1974 at their California antique (古玩) store.

       This card, she figured, was worth selling on eBay.She took a picture, wrote a description and put it up for auction (拍卖).She put a $10 price tag on it, deciding against $15 because it would have cost her an extra 20 cents.Later that night she got a few odd inquiries—someone wanting to know whether the card was real, someone wanting her to end the auction and sell him the card immediately.

       The card is actually 139 years old.Sports card collectors call the find "extremely rare" and estimate the card could fetch five, or perhaps, six figures at auction.

       Just like that, Bemice is the least likely character ever for a rare-baseball card story."I didn't even know baseball existed that far back," Gallego says, "I don't think that I've ever been to a baseball game." The theory is that the card came out of a storage space they bought a few years back.It is not uncommon in their line of work to buy the entire contents of storage units for around $200.

       When she met with card trader Rick Mirigian, she found out what the card was—an 1869 advertisement with a picture of the first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

       "When I came to meet her and she took it out of a sandwich bag and she was smoking a cigarette, I almost fainted," Mirigian says."They've uncovered a piece of history that few people will ever be able to imagine.That card is history.It's like unearthing a Mona Lisa or a Picasso."

1.What can we conclude from Paragraph 3?

       A.Bernice had to pay some fees for her card on eBay.

       B.Bernice wanted to end the auction that night.

       C.Bernice decided to sell the card for $15.

       D.eBay charged her 20 cents for the card.

2.The underlined word "fetch" in Paragraph 4 most probably means "____".

       A.go and bring       B.add up to           C.go down to        D.be sold for

3.From the passage, we may learn that ____.

       A.Bernice is a baseball fan

       B.Bernice is the last person to purchase the rare-baseball card

       C.Bernice unexpectedly became the owner of the rare-baseball card

       D.Bernice didn't realize the value of the card until she put it up for auction

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

       A.A Surprisingly Valuable Discovery     

       B.Bemice Gallego—A Lucky Collector

       C.Sports Card Collectors        

      D.The History of the Baseball Card




       If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.

       Take the taxi drivers for example.Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare(车费) of two US dollars a kilometer.You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare.The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.

       The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners.Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals.The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration(登记) card to the waiter.With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.

       The Finnish workers are paid by the hour.They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate.From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly.

       With so many loopholes (漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”.But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms.And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in.As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.

1.The underlined words in this passage means to “______”。

       A.be ready to help others                        B.make good use of one’s friends

       C.be a little ahead of others                     D.gain something at other’s loss

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.While taking a taxi in Finland, you can get off without first paying your fare.

       B.In a big hotel in Finland, you can enjoy free meals if you’re living in the hotel.

       C.The bosses in Finland pay the employees according to registration of their working hours.

       D.The workers are always honest with their working hours.

3.We can infer from the passage that ______.

       A.the Finnish society is of very high moral level

       B.there are many loopholes in everyday life in Finland

       C.in Finland, most taxi drivers will not charge you anything

       D.everyone in Finland is like a gentleman, for they have faith in themselves

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

       A.Life in Finland                                    B.A Society with “Foolish” People

       C.What a Life                                                                        D.Honest accounts of the Finns



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