满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




I had spent over five exhausting(令人疲乏不堪的) years on my essay for my Ph. D(哲学学士). and was anxiously preparing for my oral boards which were to be held in California, and I had 1a flight through Minneapolis, where I was to change 2. My flight was very late, and I was soon in an all—out run to  3my flight. I had to stop to catch my  4on a moving sidewalk when I  5a woman in her fifties   6with a carry-on bag.

I don’t know   7, but I looked at her face and blurted out, “Are you going on flight 567 to California?”

She responded, “Yes.”

“So am I ,” I responded.“Give me your bag. I’ll run   8and tell them to wait for you.” I took her bag and started running again.

I   9onto the plane and told a flight attendant that one more passenger was behind me and to please   10the plane for her. I   11myself with her bag, and a few moments later she arrived and was the last person on the plane   12they closed the doors and   13. After the plane leveled off, I   14the bag to her, and she smiled at me and thanked me.

I didn’t sleep a wink in the hotel and arrived at the   15at seven o’clock in the morning. The   16kept me waiting for an hour in a room. I walked into the boardroom and was initially frightened by all the   17in their robes. As I slowly   18at the faces of all the board members, I noticed the bright face of a woman. She gave me a smile   19a young schoolgirl. It was the same woman whose bag I had carried ahead the night before.   20, whenever I made a mistake on any questions, she did a great job of relaxing me.

1.A.prepared                  B.caught                 C.scheduled预定的 D.ordered安排好的;

2.A.trains                      B.buses                  C.planes                 D.directions

3.A.catch                      B.run                     C.get                      D.hold

4.A.flight                       B.breath                 C.bag                     D.companions

5.A.greeted                    B.met                     C.noticed                D.seek

6.A.walking                   B.                          C.carrying              D.running

7.A.how                        B.why                    C.what                   D.where

8.A.before                     B.immediately         C.fast                     D.ahead

9.A.raced                      B.got                      C.solved                 D.opened

10.A.leave                     B.hold                    C.remain                D.reserve

11.A.found                    B.took                    C.seated                 D.occupied

12.A.after                      B.when                  C.while                  D.before

13.A.left out                  B.run away             C.took off              D.carried away

14.A.presented               B.preserved            C.proved                D.showed

15.A.place                     B.university            C.palace                 D.city

16.A.meeting                 B.board                  C.essay                  D.argument

17.A.professors             B. ladies                 C.staffs                  D.teachers

18.A.stared                    B.watched              C.glanced               D.looked

19.A.like                       B.as                       C.of                       D.from

20.A.Needless to say                                      B.No matter how

       C.What’s more                                       D.In the end 


1.C schedule意思是:arrange for sth to happen at a particular time, 而order仅表示预定。 2.C由主句的“…schedule a flight(班机)”可以判断这里应是change planes。 3.A 该句意思是:班机晚点了,我只好拼命的(all—out)跑着去赶班机。catch赶上(车、飞机等)。 4.B catch one's breath固定用法:喘一口气。 5.C 6.B由前文可知,这位妇女由于“我”一样好拼命的(all—out)跑着去赶班机,也一定和“我”一样筋疲力尽。所以只有struggle 符合当时的情景。 7.B 这里作者要表达的是:(尽管自己已是狼狈不堪)但不知道为什么(why)却向她提供了帮助。 8.D ahead,意思是“在前面”。 9.A由于时间紧迫,所以“我”应该是飞快地跑(raced)到飞机上去的。 10.B hold次处意为:使……不离开。 11.C seat oneself= be seated坐下、坐在某地方 12.D 连词辨析。before在……之前。 13.C 动词短语辨析。take off(飞机)起飞。 14.A飞机平稳之后,我把她的包给(present)了她。 15.B由前文可知,作者坐飞机到了加利福尼亚,在宾馆里一夜没眨眼(I didn’t sleep a wink in the hotel),然后去了口试的大学,(下文接着叙述)又到了口试的地方(walked into the boardroom)。由此可见:作者离开宾馆后,先到了那所大学(university),然后又走向里面的口试室。 16.B作者此行的目的就是口试(oral board)。 17.A作者走进答辩室,在那里等候他的一定是些主持答辩的穿长袍的教授(professors)。 18.C由作者所处的特殊地点及自己的心情可以判断,这里用glance at(匆匆一看)比较恰当。 19.A like此处做介词:象。 20.C

 Seeing me, Tom---- one of my old friend, walked across the street ______ to me, saying “Long time no see.”

       A.holding out         B.shouting out        C.reaching out        D.stretching out



 There has been       rising demand for grain as             _______ industrial material in spite of the nation’s good harvests.

       A./ ;an                B.a; an               C.the;an              D.a; / 



 At the meeting they discussed different ______ to the study of mathematics.

       A.approaches         B.means                C.methods             D.ways



 The children were warned of not being too _______ about things you are not supposed to know.

       A.strange                B.amusing              C.curious               D.satisfied



 It was difficult to guess what her _____ to the news would be.

     A.impression         B.comment          C.reaction            D.opinion



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