满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




       When I was a kid, my brother dropped the bomb:"No Santa Claus (Father Christmas)!" I fled to Grandma because I knew she would   1me the truth.I told her everything."No!" she said."Ridiculous! Don' t   2it."

       After dinner, we went to General Store.Grandma handed me ten   3."Take it and buy something for whoever needs it.I'll wait in the   4." I' d often gone shopping with Mother, but never had I shopped   5.For moments, I stood there, confused,   6what to do with it.I thought of everybody I knew.  7I thought of Bobbie Decker.His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough.We all knew that Bobbie would have no cough   8he had a thicker coat.So I decided to buy Bobbie one."Is this a present for   9?" the saleslady asked me kindly.I   10shyly.She smiled, handed it to me and wished me a merry Christmas.Then Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Santa Claus   11and ribbons and write "To Bobbie, From Santa Claus " on it.Then she   12me over to Bobbie's house.Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie' s house.We   13noiselessly and hid in the   14by his front walk."All right, Santa Claus," she   15,"get going." I rushed out, threw the present down at his front door,   16his doorbell and flew back to the safety.Together we   17breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open.

       Forty years I haven' t forgotten those   18I spent shivering (颤抖)in Bobbie' s bushes.That night, I realized that the stories about Santa Clause were really ridiculous .Santa Claus was alive,  19we were on his  20

1.A.tell                          B.teach                   C.take                    D.advise

2.A.remember                B.believe                 C.understand          D.consider

3.A.bags                        B.keys                    C.coats                  D.dollars

4.A.home                      B.store                   C.car                     D.bus

5.A.separately                B.apart                   C.singly                  D.alone

6.A.wondering               B.worrying             C.expecting            D.looking -

7.A.Luckily                    B.Surprisingly         C.Suddenly             D.Firstly

8.A.unless                     B.since                   C.as                       D.if

9.A.anyone                    B.someone              C.others                 D.another

10.A.nodded                  B.smiled                 C.replied                 D.denied

11.A.gift                        B.name                   C.paper                  D.needle

12.A.sent                       B.drove                  C.walked                D.guided

13.A.stole                      B.struggled             C.stepped               D.searched

14.A.cars .                 B.buildings              C.stairs                  D.bushes

15.A.sighed                   B.whispered            C.called                  D.shouted

16.A.knocked                B.pushed                C.pounded              D.switched.

17.A.rushed                   B.laughed               C.paused                D.waited

18.A.nights                    B.feelings               C.moments             D.bills

19.A.and                       B.but                      C.then                    D.therefore

20.A.side                       B.team                   C.part                    D.staff


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.D  6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B  16.C 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.B 

 In no country ______ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

       A.other than                                     B.more than        

       C.better than                                     D.rather than



 Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ______ how large their achievements are.

       A.at the mercy of                                 B.in terms of      

       C.in the eyes of                                   D.in honour of



 I can meet you at 8 o' clock; ______ you can call for me at my office.Either suits me fine.

       A.incidentally                                    B.immediately      

       C.alternatively                                   D.appropriately



 Your suggestion is too general.Have you got any ______ proposal as t6 what we should do?

       A.secure              B.previous           C.productive          D.concrete



 Our school plans a wide ______ of outings, such as performances, picnics, swimming and museum trips.

       A.lot                      B.variety                 C.number             D.amount



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