满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳...


       阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的                     A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

       How to Release Anger the Right Way

       Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well.Some of us experience it daily,   1others hold on to it for years at a time.As you likely know, angry is not a healthy emotion.Over time it can become self-destructive,   2relationships and even your health.

       This is not to say that anger is always a   3thing—anger is a natural part of living;it is a   4that something is wrong.If anger is not a incompletely normal and natural human emotion, it is, however,important to learn and understand how to   5anger the right way.

       You can release anger the right or the wrong way.   6whether you have an anger problem yourself or not, it is   7for everyone to understand what the right   8of releasing anger are.Transforming (转换、变换)anger is a powerful   9to take that will create positive changes in our relationships.One of the best ways to   10anger is to give yourself the permission to express anger.In fact, it is quite   11to express your anger as long as you do it   12

       Remember that anger management   13both on mental and physical effort.Although mental treatment alone will help you   14for releasing your anger, it can only take you so far.The same   15for exercise too.However, if you combine both mental treatment and exercising, you will then have   16to an unbelievable positive solution.Do a particular physical activity   17the mental intention of releasing your anger.

       It might be   18but the most important things of all to   19is to never hurt others when you release your anger.Make sure you give yourself the   20to express safely your anger, without hurting anyone else .

1.A.when                      B.while                   C.but                     D.However

2.A.reflecting                 B.ruining                C.limiting                D.satisfying

3.A.bad                         B.good                   C.ordinary             D.especial

4.A.appearance              B.mark                C.signal                 D.gesture

5.A.release                    B.relax                   C.obsorb               D.influence

6.A.Instead of                B.Except for        C.Regardless of     D.As a result of

7.A.important                B.common              C.hard                   D.easy

8.A.answers                  B.messages             C.ways                 D.actions

9.A.step                       B.right                    C.attitude               D.chance

10.A.shift                  B.change                C.transfer              D.transform

11.A.painful                   B.happy                  C.healthy              D.succeeful

12.A.confidently             B.correctly           C.gradually            D.separately

13.A.requires                 B.relies                  C.lacks                  D.refuse

14.A.attentively          B.specially              C.absolutely        D.greatly

15.A.arranges                B.reaches               C.prepares             D.applies

16.A.access                  B.approach             C.admission        D.contact

17.A.in charge of        B.rather than        C.along with          D.in place of

18.A.simple                B.obvious              C.unrealistic        D.proper

19.A.answer                  B.remember           C.repeat                 D.listen

20.A.opportunity           B.necessity             C.possibility        D.reality


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.D  11.C 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.D  16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 

 She has kept a diary since14.In it she _________ all the events that happens to her.

       A.set up           B.set down         C.set in               D.set to



 I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, ________at a proper price but of great use.

       A.one             B.it                    C.that                  D.this



 Today the world is paying much more attention to, obviously, _____ China says and does.

       A.that                 B.which                 C.what                   D.how



 Not until then _____ their marriage was breaking up because they had little in common.

       A.did I realize         B.I realized       C.had I realize      D.has I realized



 Little Bob is often educated by his parents to be good and friendly to anybody even if ________.

       A.attacking       B.is attacked        C.to be attacked     D.attacked



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