满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




Although it could not compete with the speed of email today, the 1800’s experienced a revolution in communication that played an important role in creating the tradition of the Christmas greeting card.__1.__(help) by the new railway system, the public postal service made corresponding a popular past time.In England, Sir Henry Cole recognized the advantage of __2.__more efficient mail service and initiated (开始) the practice of sending Christmas greeting cards __3.__ friends.

The first card __4.__ (design) by J.C.Horsley as a commercial endeavor(尝试,努力).One thousand copies were sold in London, __5.__ soon others followed suit.An English __6._ (art), William Egley, produced a popular card in 1849.Louis Prang, a German born printer, working from _7.__ shop in Massachusetts, printed his first American cards in 1875.Even more __8.__ (importance) than his printing was the fact __9._ he did more than anyone else to popularize the cards by instituting nationwide contests for the best Christmas designs, __10._ were awarded cash prizes.


1.Helped。因help与公共邮政服务是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。 2.a。指一种更高效的邮政服务,表示“一种”用不定冠词a。 3.to。由句式搭配send sth to sb可知。 4.was designed。在句中作谓语表示被动,且用一般过去时。 5.and。用连词and连接前后两个并列句,follow suit 是一个习语,译为“照别人的方式去做,学样”。 6.artist。从后面的同位语William Egley可知在这里应填上与art有关的人,即artist,在句中做主语。 7.his。从后面的his first American cards可知是他的商店。 8.important。这是一个倒装句,主语是the fact,空格要求填的词在句中作was的表语,故用形容词。 9.that。引导同位语从句,说明the fact的具体内容。 10.which。引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中做主语,先行词是designs。



If you find out that your best friend is developing feeling for you and the feelings are in no way mutual (共通的), the sooner you communicate this the better .

   Sometimes having to be the person who does the rejecting is __1__ than being rejected, ___2___ the person you have to hurt is your dearest friend.The key is to be gentle, but not so gentle that he or she doesn’t get it.If you ___3__ it before he says anything , it is possible you can __4him some of the humiliation(羞辱).You can just happen to mention that you are so happy that you don’t have to___5__ the ups and downs of romance with him.“Aren’t we lucky to have such a close friendship without having to worry about?” If he brings it up to you, just remember ___6___ kind to his heart.So many things you could say have become a cliché(老生常谈), such as “ I don’t want to risk losing what we have now.” Of course, if that is how you feel then say it anyway.The most reassuring thing you can do for him is to__7__ not to let his admission hurt the friendship.Even though the first response will be to the “rejection” later, he or she will worry about the friendship __8___.If you want to show the ultimate respect, keep it ___9__ the two of you.Resist the temptation to tell others.Otherwise, this will only hurt your friend__10__

    __11__, if the feelings between the two of you are__12___, then this can be a very happy moment.Don’t let your fears ruin it.Yes, it is _13_ to venture into new territory with someone you have been close with as a friend.But the good news is you already know each other well and you like each other.There is always a risk of losing the friendship when and if you _14__, but if you both agree you aren’t going to let that happen, the risk factor _15__ .

1.A.better                B.worse             C.wiser                 D.nicer

2.A.even if               B.especially if        C.especially          D.if 

3.A.hear about            B.share                                             C.spare               D.reduced

4.A.go away with         B.go through        C.go by              D.go over

5.A. harmed                    B. share                   C. reduced                D.spare

6.A.being                 B.to be               C.be                 D.to have been

7.A.keep                    B.promise            C.avoid              D.permit

8.A.as well                 B.either               C.finally              D.ultimately

9.A.in                       B.among            C.between         D.away from

10.A.a little                  B.even better        C.much less        D.even more

11.A.Whatever              B.Whenever         C.At the same time  D.However

12.A.active                  B.mutual             C.affected           D.sensible

13.A.scary                  B.enjoyable            C.funny             D.lucky

14.A.break down           B.break up            C. break out        D.break off

15.A.increases              B.decreases           C.remains           D.exists
















       Last weekend, our school organized a social activity.We are required

to find out how much the countryside has changed.

       The countryside takes          a new look both in living environment         1.

and metal outlook.Hills are c            with trees and gardens are filled           2.

with flowers.Rivers are clean with bridges            them, which are             3.

very             (方便).Farmers are living in the beautiful houses which     4.

are equipped with fine             (家具).What impressed us most is       5.

farmers are paying special attention to their cultural life.                                   6.

they have much money and less physical burden, they have                                7.

more time for leisure.People look____________ energetic and younger than       8.

their age.This activity was _________(确实) a big surprise for us.What we        9.

saw in the countryside was far better than we  e                              10.




       The oldest forms of medicine are enjoying a comeback.Modern holistic medicine(整体医学) is an approach that treats the whole patient, not just the disease.It is a way to maintain good health rather than cure illness.The most important influences on today’s holistic medicine are ancient Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine, both of which promoted whole body health.

    Holistic medicine usually combines diet, physical exercise and meditation, together with other alternative techniques such as massage(按摩)and acupuncture(针炙).Herbal treatment, a practice of treating illness by using plants, is influenced by the writings of Culpeper as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.Homeopathy(顺势疗法)is one of the forms of holistic medicine which is widely practiced in Europe and the US                A.Homeopathy began in Germany in the early 1800s, when Samuel Hahnemann bescribed how very tiny doses(剂量)of a drug had an effect on his patients.According to Hahnemann, the more the drug was diluted(稀释), the stronger its effects.The substance selected would produce similar effects to the disease itself if given in large doses.In the UK homeopathy is regarded as a non-traditional but just about acceptable treatment.

    Meditation and contemplation have an important role in holistic medicine.They were brought to Europe by Indian teachers who combined Indian Ayurvedic medicine with Western beliefs.Transcendental meditation(超脱静坐)is one of the best known of these techniques.People repeat words inside their head to reach a state of deep relaxation.

    The holistic movement has made many doctors look at the whole patient, not just the disease.Life-style, emotional problems and diet are just some of the factors that can affect a person’s health.Holistic medicine emphasizes good diet, exercise and fresh air, all of which contribute to health.Some clinics now offer holistic medicine along with traditional treatments, so that their patients can choose a combination of treatments that suits them.One problem with holistic medicine is that it is difficult for people to be sure a doctor is reliable.To solve this, many countries want alternative doctors to form professional bodies.

1.Modern holistic medicine centers upon ____________ .

      A.curing a disease                       B.herbal treatment

     C.continuous development                D.keeping patients healthy

2.Which of the following does NOT belong to holistic medicine?

     A.massage                                       B.meditation    

       C.a balanced diet                                D.a knee operation

3.The principle of homeopathy is that ___________.

      A.the large doses of medicine that will not be harmful will take better effect

     B.the disease will be cured sooner by taking larger doses of medicine

     C.a small thinner dose of medicine will be more effective

      D.the doses of medicine depend on how serious the illness is

4.Which is the best title of the passage?

     A.Holistic Medicine                      B.Traditional Medicine Returns

       C.History of Medicine                   D.Combination of Treatments Works

5.What can we infer from the passage?

      A.Relaxation is the key of holistic treatment.

      B.Holistic medicine needs to become more trustworthy.

       C.Holistic treatment is more beneficial than traditional treatments.

     D.Holistic medicine will become the most welcome treatment soon.




Wednesday, October 29,2008.

       The United States federal government had two young men in the state of Tennessee arrested on October 22 on unknown charges.

       In court documents published on Monday, it came to light that the men had discussed attacking an African – American school and killing 14 of them.

       Another crime was about planning to murder Presidential candidate Barack Obama.According to their affidavits (口供), the suspects’ “final act of violence” would be like this: when they attacked Obama they would wear white suits and top hats and drive “their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows.”

       The two suspects are Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Arkansas and Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tennessee.According to the court papers, they met last month over the Internet through a friend.Schlesselman and Cowart are believed to share “very strong views” about White Power.

       Schlesselman listed “being racist” as his occupation on his MySpace page.He further wrote: “I'm white.I'm proud.I get angry.I like guns.”

       Cowart also had a MySpace page on which photos of guns were presented under a heading of “My Guns”.On his page he wrote, “Better to die quick fighting on your feet than to live forever begging on your knees.”

       Some have questioned the pair's ability to carry out the charged plan, but authorities have been very concerned about Obama as the first black presidential candidate from a major party.

      “We honestly don't know if they had the ability or the skill to carry out the kind of plan that they talked about.” said Malcolm Wiley, of the United Satates Secret Service in an interview with The New York Times.“But we take any threat seriously no matter how big or how small it is.”

       Cowart and Schlesselman are scheduled to appear before a judge on Thursady.

1.The passage is mainly about____________.

       A.Americans’ attitudes towards Barack Obarma       

       B.two young men planning to commit violence

       C.the violence in the United States                   

       D.the disadvantages of the Internet

2.From the passage, we can know that the two young men_________.

       A.shot 14 students in an African – American school     

       B.came from the state of Tennessee

       C.were proud of Barack Obama                     

       D.have not been sentenced yet

3.Which of the following shows the right order of the events?

       a.The two suspects were arrested.

b.The two suspects will be tried in the court.

       c.Cowart set up his MySpace page on the Internet.

       d.Malcolm Wiley was interviewed by The New York Times.

       A.a; b; c; d         B.d; c; b; a                                        C.c; a; d; b               D.c; a; b; d

4.What can we infer from the news?

       A.Most of the white people in the United States don’t like Barack Obama.

       B.The two young men planned to shoot President Barack Obama.

       C.The two young men were innocent in fact.

       D.The two young men strongly believed that the president should be a white man



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