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When traveling abroad, it is wise to car...


When traveling abroad, it is wise to carry your money in traveler's checks because checks are protected against loss or theft. If your checks are lost or stolen, the issuing authority will refund(赔偿) your money.

Not only are they safe, they are also convenient. They are available in different currencies and they can be cashed at most banks throughout the world. Most shops, hotels and restaurants also accept them.

Traveler's checks are very easy to use. When you collect them, you sign each check once. The cashier enters the amount in your passport. When you cash, you sign each check again. The cashier will usually ask to see your passport again too.

To get traveler's checks you usually go to your bank. They can be paid in cash or in other ways. Large amounts, however, must be ordered in advance.

For the safety and convenience of traveler's checks, you are charged two commissions(佣金,酬劳): an insurance commission when you buy them and an encashment commission when you cash them.

It is suitable to make a note of the serial numbers of your checks. Keep this separate from your traveler's checks.(词数191)

1.People like to carry their money in traveler’s checks when traveling abroad, because______

A. they cannot be lost or stolen     B. they can be used anywhere

C. they are safe and handy         D. they can save travelers plenty of money

2.If your traveler's checks are lost or stolen, who will refund you?

A. The authority that issues you the passport.    B. The insurance company.  

C. The bank where you buy your checks.

D. The travel agency that arranges your travel.

3.You sign your traveler’s check for the second time in order to ________.

   A. get your passport        B. cash it

   C. claim insurance         D. pay for commission

4.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

   A. You need not pay a commission for the safety of your traveler’s checks.

   B. People usually get traveler’s checks from foreign banks.

   C. Traveler’s checks can be exchanged for the money of the country you visit.

   D. You cannot get your passport until you get your traveler’s checks.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C    


     Language is always changing. In a society where life continues year after year with few changes, the language does not change either. The earliest known languages had difficult grammar but a small, limited vocabulary. Over the century, the grammar changed, and the vocabulary grew. For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth century gave names to all the new plants and animals they found. In this way, hundreds of new words were introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies. Today life is changing very fast, and language is changing fast too.

     There are several major language families in the world. Some scientists say there are nine main families, but other scientists divide them differently. The languages in each family are connected, and scientists think that they came from the same parent language. About 3 percent of the people in the world speak languages that are not in these major families. (词数155

1.The early language had ________.

   A. a lot of problems        B. words and easy grammar

   C. words but no grammar   D. grammar but not many words

2.In the next few hundred years we can expect language to _____.

   A. stay exactly the same    B. change a great deal

   C. change only a little      D. ask more words and drop some grammar

3.What this article shows is that _____.

A. languages change fast          B. languages really don't want to change

C. language really with changes in society    D. Spanish and English change




       In Canada you can find dogs,cats,horses,etc.in almost every family.These are their pets.People love these pets and have them as their good friends.Before they keep them in their houses,they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections so that they won’t carry disease.They have special animal food stores,though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store.Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food.When you visit people’s houses,they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them.You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden.All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal.They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada.They have a law against killing wild animals.If you killed an animal,you would be punished.If an animal happened to get run over by a car,people would be very sad about it.

      People in Canada have many reasons to like animals.One of them might be:Their family ties are not as close as ours.When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life.Then the old will feel lonely.But pets can solve this problem.They can be good friends and never leave them alone.(词数242

1.The passage mainly talks about       .    

    A. how to keep disease from pets            B. pets in Canada

      C. how to take good care of pets            D. life of the old in Canada

2.In Canada,children leave their parents when they grow up because       

A. they don’t love their parents any more

B. they can only find jobs far from their parents

C. their parents’ houses are too small

D. they wouldn’t depend on their parents any more

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

      A. People buy animal food only at the animal food stores.

      B. Pets eat better than people.

      C. Almost every family has a birdcage in his house.

      D. Any bird can come to the bird feeders to eat.





There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But  1a few of them are very   2.English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the U.S.A., but in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a  3language. Many millions are   4to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different    5Have you ever   6ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? "Learn English in six weeks, or your   7back..." "Easy and funny! Our records and tapes   8you master your English in a month.   9the first day your   10will be excellent. Just send …"Of course, it never    11quite like this.

    The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should   12that we all learned our own language well when we were    13. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult.   14what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it,   15in it all the time. Just imagine how much   16that gets!

    So it is  17to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English   18upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and  19much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will   20. But they cannot do the student's work for him.(词数278)

1.A. not           B. quite          C. only            D. very

2.A. difficult     B. important    C. necessary     D. easy

3.A. native        B. foreign       C. useful          D. mother

4.A. learning     B. enjoying      C. trying         D. liking

5.A. questions    B. problems     C. ideas          D. answers

6.A. found         B. watched      C. noticed       D. known

7.A. knowledge   B. time          C. money         D. English

8.A. make         B. help           C. let             D. allow

9.A. From         B. On            C. Since           D. After

10.A. spelling     B. grammar     C. English        D. pronunciation

11.A. happened    B. looked        C. seemed        D. felt

12.A. know        B. remember     C. understand    D. think

13.A. students     B. children       C. babies        D. grown-ups

14.A. Imagine      B. Mind          C. Do             D. Think of

15.A. using        B. thinking       C. trying        D. practicing

16.A. time         B. money          C. language      D. practice

17.A. hard         B. easy            C. funny          D. silly

18.A. depends     B. tries           C. has              D. takes

19.A. uses         B. takes          C. gets             D. costs

20.A. do            B. work           C. help             D. master



 My friends and I are making an area to encourage birds _________.

A. come and feed and lay their eggs safely 

B. to come and feed and lie their eggs safely

C. to come and feed and lay their eggs safety

D. to come and feed and lay their eggs safely



 _________that we will _______free computer training during the holidays.

A. It has been decided…be given         B. It has decided…be given

C. That has been decided…be given       D. It has been decided… give



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