满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The reporters of all the leading newspa...

 The reporters of all the leading newspapers _____ the trade talks between China and the United States.

      A.printed             B.published          C.covered            D.interviewed



 I know it’s time I got down _____ my homework, but I just can’t resist _____ computer games.

      A.to doing; playing B.to do; to play      C.to doing; to play    D.to do; playing



 —You said we would have a picnic next Friday?

  —_____.But it will depend on the weather.

      A.OK                                                   B.You’ve got it right                     

       C.Good idea                                         D.All right



 Either you or the headmaster _____ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting.

      A.is handing out                                   B.are to hand out                         

       C.are handing out                                D.is to hand out



 _____ someone to notice you at a party, you should do things like singing a song.

      A.Get                   B.Got                   C.To get               D.Getting



 Was it the belief _____ Alex Haley could find his “root” in Africa _____ made him decide to go to Gambia?

      A.that; where        B.where; that        C.that; that           D.how; which



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