满分5 > 高中英语试题 >







注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。


If you understood another culture, it can help you with your language learning. This is because your background knowledge will make easier for you to understand the content of a reading passage. For example, if you have some knowledges about History and geography of Australia, it will make it easier for you to understand passages relating to Australia. In the same way, if you have watched the film The Mutiny on the Bounty you will know the background about the journey of Captain Bligh across the Pacific Ocean. So you will be more better able to appreciate what great Captain Bligh’s achievement was in second unit. But the more you read and the wider your generally knowledge about another culture is, the quicker and easier your learn of that language will be.


1.understood 改为understand 2. make easier间加it 3. knowledges 改为knowledge 4. about 改为of/ to 5. 去掉more或better 6.what改为how7. But 改为so 8. second前加the 9. generally 改为general 10. learn改为learning


1.The sun has risen above the ____________(地平线).

2.Recently,we have seen a _____________(逐渐的) trend towards healthier food.

3.This new policy is much _________(强硬的) than the previous one.

4.I really __________(赞赏,喜欢) having time to relax with you on this nice island.

5.They are proud to be ________(公民,市民) of Jilin City.

6.The new highway _______(缠,绕) around the mountain.

7.The passengers were  __________(紧紧地) packed in the train.

8.Sharks can smell blood over a long ___________(距离).

9.The hostess had the _______________(邀请函) delivered a week before the party.

10.We should answer the questions on the ______(基础) of the information from the article.





  Many schools require yearly parent teacher conferences for all students. ___1.__.The list below is to help teachers prepare themselves for these often difficult conferences.

  ___2.__.When you have students who are struggling in either their academics or their behavior, you should communicate with their parents using notes or phone calls.

  Come to the conference well-prepared. If the student is having a hard time with their work, show the parents their grades and samples of their work. ___3.___ .If the student is misbehaving, then you should make detailed notes of their behavior before the conference. Bring these notes to the conference so that parents can understand how their children are behaving.

  ____4.___. For example, you might say something about their creativity, their handwriting, their sense of humor, or make some other comment. Instead of restating the problems you’ve already discussed, end with a comment that offers hope for the future. You could say something like, “ Thanks for meeting with me today. I know that working together we can help Johnny succeed.”

  Some teachers may have to deal with an angry parent at some point. ___5.___. Much anger can be avoided if the parents are informed. Don’t get excited yourself and make sure you avoid shouting.

A.  Communicating with parents before a conference is necessary.

B.   Try to think of something nice to say about the students that have problems.

C.  At the end of the conference, you should make a conclusion.

D.  A parent teacher conference can have a huge impact on a student’s work and behavior.

E.   Remember to thank the parents for coming to the conference and working with you.

F.   Remember that the best way to solve this is to keep parents informed every step of the way.

G. It is easier for parents to understand the problem if they can actually see examples of their children’s work.




Gossip moves so quickly that few people have time to cover their ears, even if they want to.

“I hate it when others gossip about me,” said Mandy Miraglia, 16, a high school student from California, “but to be honest, gossip about my friends makes me feel I am trusted and belong to the group.” Miraglia is not the only person feeling like that.

Gossip has long been looked down on as little more than nonsense and bad manners. But recent research has shown that gossip has many positive effects on your social life.

“There has been a trend among people to dislike gossip,” said David Sloan Wilson, Professor from the State University of New York in Binghamton, US, “but gossip appears to be a very important form of behavior in a group of friends, defining their group membership.”

For 18 months, Kevin Kniffin, from the University of Wisconsin, US, researched the behavior of 50 people. He found that gossip levels peaked when a sports team included a slacker, someone who regularly missed practices or showed up late. Other members of the team would soon start to joke about the slacker’s shortcomings behind his back, because they thought they were bad for the whole team.

Gossip about the mistakes of senior members helps newcomers rebuild their confidence after a failure.

It also helps relieve social and professional anxiety. Long-term studies show that people around the world devote from a fifth to two-thirds or more of their daily conversation to gossip, and men appear to be just as eager for gossip as women.

It is hard to judge gossip, but it is more powerful than you think.

1.The author would probably agree that______________.

A. gossip is bad manners

B. gossip has many good effects

C. gossip is somewhat like nonsense

D. gossip is more powerful than advice

2.What does the underlined word “slacker” mean according to the context?

A. Someone who values the team benefit much.

B. Someone who does not do what they should well.

C. Someone who is active in sports.

D. Someone who shows no much interest in sports.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Gossip is a useful way of building group membership.

B. Gossip can possibly make someone confident.

C. Generally, women are fonder of gossip than men.

D. Actually, everyone gossips to some degree in their daily conversation.





Opening week specials at Munchies Food Hall.

At the corner of Green and Brown Streets in the city

Monday 7th of January until Sunday.13rd of January 2008

Feast until you’re full! Come down to Monetizes time week to enjoy the special dishes on offer at all of our food outlets. Order from the following:

● Succulent chicken rice             ● spicy satay beef

● Delicious noodle dishes            ● plump pork chips

● seafood specialties                ● crunchy vegetables

10% discount on all orders above $20.00


● sweet tropical fruit


Halal food is available at the stall Malay Mood Heaven


Win Prizes and Gifts!

● Spend $20.00 or more and win instant prizes from our lucky draw box.

● Collect a free party balloon and whistle for each young diner.

● Enjoy a free meal if you are the first customer of the day at any of our stalls.

● Win a holiday to Western Australia. A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt. Just fill in your information and place your entry in the box provided.

Winner to be announced in The strait Times on the 15th of January.

Join in the Fun!

Between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm each evening until the 15th of January, your favorite Channel 3 television actors and singers will entertain you:

● May Lee                     ● Jackie Chen

● Kim Yap                     ● Kamal

Autograph sessions will follow each performance! And who will be our extra special mystery star? Come down on Saturday at noon to find out.


1.The prices at Munchies are ______.

A.lower than usual                               B.bargain prices for the opening

C.lower for two people                          D.lower if you spend $21.00

2.Everyone who eats at Munchies well receive a ______.

A.free raffle ticket                                   B.lucky draw coupon     

C.free meal                                           D.balloon and whistle

3.I will find out who has won the top to Western Australia when I ______.

A.watch Channel 3 television                                           

B.come down to Munchies at moon

C.read The Straits Times on the 15th of January                 

D.attend the lucky draw at Munchies Food Hall 




     How do you feel after you've stayed up late to finish schoolwork? Or the day after a slumber party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes.

     Genes are stretches of DNA that work like an instruction manual for our cells. Genes tell our bodies and brains what to do. People have about 40,000 genes, and each gene can have different forms. So, for example, certain forms of some genes make your eyes blue. Other versions of those genes make your eyes brown.

In a similar way, new research suggests that a gene called period3 affects how well you function without sleep. The discovery adds to older evidence that period3 helps determine whether you like to stay up late or get up early.

The period3 gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So, you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parents passed on to you.

Scientists from the University of Surrey in England studied 24 people who had either two short or two long copies of period3. Study participants had to stay awake for 40 hours straight. Then, they took tests that measured how quickly they pushed a button when numbers flashed on a screen and how well they could remember lists of numbers.

Results showed that the people with the short form of period3 performed much better on these tests than the people with the long form did. In both groups, people performed worst in the early morning. That's the time when truck drivers and other night-shift workers say they have the most trouble concentrating.

After the first round of experiments, participants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group that performed well on the tests took about 18 minutes to nod off.

People with the long period3 gene, by contrast, fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spent more time in deep sleep. That suggests that people with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working at top form.

1.We can know from the passage that genes can not ________.

 A. tell our bodies and brains what to do

 B. make our eyes blue or brown

 C. decide how well you work without sleep

 D. ensure whether you’re good at driving

2.Which of the following statements about the period3 is wrong?

 A. It affects whether you like to stay up late or get up early.

 B. It comes in two forms: short and long.

 C. One has either two longs or two shorts of it.

 D. Your parents determine what particular combination you have.

3.People with the short form of period3__________.

 A. need to go to bed early and get up early

 B. can work better than the people with long form of period3 without sleep

 C. take less time to fall asleep after they stay up late

 D. need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working at top form

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. The Period3 Gene                         B. The Function of Genes

 C. Wake up, Sleepy Gene                                D. Stay up Late or Get up Early?




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