满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Asia is important to America because Am...

 Asia is important to America because America's future _____ trade with Asia's growing economies.

       A.depends on     B.takes off       C.sets up                                  D.breaks out



 --- Peter, you       the window quickly, will you?

    --- OK! Oh! The window        broken.

       A.shut; is                                               B.will shut; has been

       C.are shutting; was                                 D.have shut; has been



 If you make       most of the equipment, there will be      rise in production.

       A.不填;不填        B.the; a                  C.不填; a               D.the;不填











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注意:1. 词数:120--150左右 (信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数)


3.参考词汇:攀比 keep up with the Joneses

Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Wang Ping.                                         









                                                         Wang Ping





Even if you really enjoy your job, it’ s still possible to battle boredom as you work. You may not be able to make big changes---or change your job---but you can make small adjustments to your routine that can make every day seem, well, a little less routine.

1.Switch Your Seat 

Change your outlook at the office by changing your office. Ask your supervisor to help you find a new desk. Even switching desks with a neighboring coworker can offer a fresh atmosphere.

   If it's not possible to change your location, see if you can change your desk’s direction. A new view can be just as refreshing as a new location.


Start and end your day in a different way. Consider a new mode of transportation, if it’s possible. Take a subway. Ride a bike on sunny days. Carpool with a coworker. Use a new route to get to your job. You needn't change it for ever---just long enough to help you escape the boredom.

3.Find a New Work Style

   Sick of attending that long-standing Monday morning meeting? Try to change it to the afternoon.

   If you find yourself feeling most bored in the afternoons, try to arrange to do your favorite tasks then and tackle less desirable projects in the mornings.

If you usually communicate with coworkers via email and instant messaging, start dealing with people face to face. Increased communication with coworkers may help improve your mood.

4.Get and Set a Goal

   If your work is short of objectives, it's no wonder that work has become boring. Identify a goal and set an “achieve by” date for it.

Your goal needn’t be too ambitious as long as you have enough enthusiasm for it. Perhaps you want to make a new project. Maybe you’d like to pursue a promotion. Or you may even set a goal of finding a new job altogether. Whatever it is, actively move toward an objective.

1.What is the purpose of the passage? (within 15 words)


2.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

 You will surely feel bored when you are not working toward something.



3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 8 words)


4.List three methods of escaping from boredom in your daily work. (within 5 words for each)




5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.







The United States has about 475,000 school buses ---all painted yellow. Each day they carry more than 25,000,000 children, half of all schoolchildren in the country. But these buses, on average, use four liters of diesel (柴油) fuel to travel less than sixteen kilometers. When the school year began last fall, diesel averaged 55 cents a liter nationally. The price nearly doubled, to a dollar and 8 cents, by the end of school in June.

Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council. He says fuel prices for schools are not much lower than others have to pay. As a result, schools are looking for ways to reduce transportation costs. Bus routes are being redrawn or, in some cases, canceled . Some areas are buying buses that use natural gas or other alternative fuels. Other steps include fewer field trips and less travel by sports teams. And some school districts may end any bus service not required by law.

Studies show that school buses are the safest form of transportation to and from school. The American School Bus Council says cuts in bus service are bad for children and possibly the environment. It says removing buses from the road will mean an increase in other vehicles transporting students. Spokesman Bob Riley says another concern is that reducing bus services might reduce attendance.

But it could also get more children to walk or bicycle to school. And that would surely make people happy at the National Center for Safe Routes to School. More kids walking or biking safely to school is the aim of a three-year-old federal program, part of an international movement. The goal is to increase physical activity and reduce air pollution. The United States will celebrate Walk to School Day on October eighth this year. But for some students, high fuel prices could make every day a walk-to-school day.

1.This passage mainly tells us____________.

A. High fuel prices’ influences on school buses.

B. New measures to transport school students.

C. The safest form of student transportation.

D. The origin of Walk to School Day.

2.Which of the following information is implied in the first paragraph?

A. There are too many school buses in the United States.

B. There are too many students in the US.

C. Diesel prices are going up too rapidly in the US.

D. School buses consume too much diesel in the US.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph Three?

A. Cuts in bus service will have negative results.

B. The US government is encouraging cuts in bus services.

C. The US schools are searching for the safest transportation means.

D. Reducing bus service will do a lot of good to the environment.

4.In order to cut down transportation cost, many schools take the following measures EXCEPT____________.

A. changing some bus routes  

B. stopping some bus routes

C. asking parents to drive children to and from school

D. using other types of fuels

5.The National Center for Safe Routes to School encourages more children to walk or bike to school in order to ____________.

A. save more fuels and diesel for the country

B. keep the children safe on their way to school

C. make the children live a simple life

D. keep the children healthy and the environment clean



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