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Iraq has _____ too many wars, making pe...

 Iraq has _____ too many wars, making people _______ a lot.

       A.got through ,  pay                        B.looked through ,  face

       C.gone through   suffer                 D.passed through   destroy

















[1]One thing Britain is famous for is pubs, and no trip to the UK would be complete without a visit to one of the thousands of pubs across the country.

[2] Pubs play an important part in the social structure of the country. They are places where all ages and social classes mix to talk, do business, or just spend a couple of quiet hours before heading home in the evening.

[3] There are many different types of beer available in pubs. Traditional British beer is called bitter, or ale, and is usually served at room temperature. As a result, the British are famous for their ‘warm beer’ ! If you prefer a cold beer, ask for lager. This beer is a light yellow in color whereas bitter is usually a darker brown. All beers are served as pints (500ml) or haves (250ml). To order, you need to ask for a pint or half, and then name the beer. So, you could say “           ”.

[4]Wine, red or white, is normally available in all pubs, as are spirits such as whisky, gin or vodka.

[5]It is not, however, necessary to drink alcohol. Non-alcoholic drinks are called soft drinks. You can have juice, lemonade or cola, among others.

[6]If you visit a pub in a group, it is important to pay for your ‘round’. This means that you buy a drink for everyone in your group.  Not buying your round is a big social mistake! Remember that you need to order and pay for your drinks at the bar.

[7]So, follow these tips if you want to get the most out of visiting a pub, and, “cheers!”

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)



2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

If you don’t buy a drink for everyone in your group, you are socially wrong.



3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 1 words.)



4.If you are in a pub, what would you like to drink? Why? (Please answer within 20 words.)



5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.






1.I would ______ (感激) it if you give me a chance.

2.Do not regard English learning as a _____ (负担).

3.I won't _____ (容忍) your behaving in this way.

4.It's a good habit to ______ (预习) what will be learned in class.

5.Helping each other can _____ (促进) our friendship.




       The USA, New York—Whales and dolphins are facing increasing threats from climate change, according to a new report published by WWF and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS).

       The report "Whales in hot water?" draws attention to the growing impacts of climate change on whales.They range from changes in sea temperature and the freshening of the seawater because of the melting of ice and increased rainfalls, to a sea level rise, loss of icy polar habitats and the decline of krill populations in key areas.Krill, a tiny shrimp that is dependent on sea ice, is the main source of food for many of the great whales.

       The speeding up of climate change adds greatly to trouble from other human activities, such as chemical and noise pollution, which kills some 1000 whales every day.

       "Whales and dolphins have an ability to adapt to their changing environment," said Mark Simmonds, International Director of Science at WDCS."But the climate is now changing at such a fast pace that it is unclear to what extent whales and dolphins will be able to adjust."

       Climate change impacts are currently greatest in the Arctic and the Antarctic.According to the report, cetaceans that rely on polar, icy waters for their home and food resources are likely to be greatly affected by the reduction of sea ice cover.

       WDCS and WWF are urging governments to cut global production of C02 by at least 50 percent by the middle of this century.The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed it was possible to stop global warming if the world's emissions start to decline before 2015.

1.Which of the following is the most important for whales and dolphins?

       A.Rainfall         B.Krill               C.Sea ice cover    D.High sea level

2.From the passage, we can learn that whales mainly feed on _____.

       A.dolphins         B.krill                   C.sea horses      D.sharks

3.The underlined word "decline" in Paragraph 2 means _____.

       A.increase            B.control            C.protection          D.fall

4.In what place is climate change greatest?  

       A.The Pacific Ocean                          B.Asia.

       C.Two polar areas.                        D.Equator.

5.Which of the following is not right according to the passage?

       A.Climate change will lead to the changes in sea temperature.

       B.Climate change will result in the freshening of the sea water.

       C.Climate change will have a bad effect on human activities and whales.




New friends. Fresh lifestyle. Better career opportunities… Those are attractions of overseas study for young people in China. “Start early, finish strong,” some of them say.

More than 300 universities from 27 countries and regions were represented at last weekend’s international education exposition.


The US

       The US has always been oft the top destination list for Chinese students, with its high education standards and enough scholarships.

       Good news: It's easier to get a US student visa nowadays.Last year, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 percent, much lower than a few years before, according to US embassy.                                  

       Concerns: There're a lot to prepare The TOFEL, GRE… It's longer time to apply to US universities than schools in the UK or Australia.

       Useful link: www.Usemhassy.org.cn                 






The UK




       Easier access to visas and international environment are the UK's great attractions for Chinese students.

       Good news: There are many new scholarships this year, both from the government and universities, such as the Scotland International Scholarship.

       Concerns: Money.Money.Money.It's expensive to study in the UK, with an average cost of 200, 000 to 300, 000 yuan a year.

       Useful link; www.educationuk.org.en



       Canada's multicultural environment is good for students' studies and careers.

       Good news: Students are allowed to take off-campus part-tim'e job's during their studies from last year.It'll help pay living expenses.

       Students can get two-year work permits after graduation.

       Concerns: Only a limited number of scholarships are available.

       They rarely cover the full cost of a study program.

       Useful link; www.studycanada.en



       Good climate, high quality education and favorable immigration policy—these make Australia one of the most popular choices among Chinese students.

       Good news: A new E-visa policy ensures a quick application process (four weeks compared with 12 weeks before).                                 

       Concerns: Tuition fees have risen in past years.The total cost is about 200, 000 yuan to attend a university located in big cities like sydney or Melbourne.

       Useful link; www.students, idp.corn

1.If you want to have more chances of getting scholarship to study in a foreign country, you'd better choose_____.

       A.Canada             B.the UK          C.the US         D.Australia

2.Many young people go to study in the US because _____.

       A.it is very difficult for them to get a student visa

       B.it is easier for them to pass the TOFEL or GRE

       C.they don't spend much time applying to US universities

       D.they think they can receive good university education

3.If you want to go on staying in the country after you finish studying there, you will choose ______.

       A.Australia or the UK                  B.Canada or Australia

       C.the US or the UK                    D.Canada or the UK

4.In which of the following countries may money be the most concern while studying abroad?

       A.The US &- the UK.                B.The UK &- Canada.

       C.The UK &- Australia.               D.Canada &- the US.

5.The passage is intended to give _____.

       A.information for foreign study

       B.advice on job seeking

       C.suggestions on traveling abroad

       D.tips on getting-visas



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