满分5 > 高中英语试题 >









       As we can see from the picture, most children have to spend their weekends and holidays attending different kinds of training courses though they are unwilling to.



       As we can see from the picture, most children have to spend their weekends and holidays attending different kinds of training courses though they are unwilling to.        Because parents don’t want their children to lose at the beginning line, they send their children to attend various training courses in the hope of equipping them with as many skills as possible.Thus, they won’t lose face while comparing their children with others.And they believe these extra classes will help their children stand out and become more competitive in the future.        Personally, I don’t think it wise to force children to do what they are unwilling to.Too many training classes will be a great burden for children.Parents shouldn’t load the children with too much pressure because of unrealistic expectations.Instead, they should allow children to relax themselves on the weekends and arrange their spare time by themselves.


       阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示 2)首字母提示 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整的写右边相对应的横线上,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。

Dear Li Lei,

       I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble in coping with the

new college life.Here I would like to give you some a                       1._________

First of all, you should s         no efforts to work hard at all              2._________

your lessons and develop your different a          .Only in               3._________

this way are you l        ___ to get an ideal job for a better                 4._________

future.Secondly, communication skills are also r        if you              5._________

want to get along well with your friends ________ college campus             6._________

Last but not least, living _________ (独立) is of great significance        7._________

to you, _______means you should learn to face all challenges by               8._________

yourself, and this will surely b      you a lot when you step into              9._________

_________(社会).I’ll be glad if you find my advice practical.            10.________




       The Haitian tsunami gave scientists a chance to find out how well vital and potentially life-saving warning systems were working.

       Noaa’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory has developed a warning system that picks up signals of tsunamis directly from the sea-floor.

       It is called Dart-the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis.If seismometers(地震仪) detect an earthquake, the Dart buoys(浮标) will determine what is happening to sea levels, and whether a big wave might be on the way.This information is then sent via satellite to a central location which can organize an alarm.Within 50 minutes of the Haiti earthquake, this system was able to issue an alarm to other countries in the Caribbean to say that a small tsunami had been caused to start, and that was unlikely to affect them.

       Dr Bernard said, “The first 30 minutes following the earthquake, we have to rely on education.” The critical aspects of this are: do you feel the earthquake; do you see the ocean draw down; and do you hear that loud roar? If so, you should run for higher ground.

       “But after the first few minutes, it’s crucial that we have the technology—the measurements to avoid unnecessary evacuation(疏散撤离)and tell people when it is safe to return.” Right now, there are 50 of these Dart buoys all over the globe—four of which are in the Caribbean.

       Dr Bernard says that, with 75 to 100 buoys worldwide, this system could provide global tsunami warnings within one hour.

       “That’s for everywhere we know that tsunamis have happened.If we wanted to go to half an hour detection, we could probably double or multiply by four times that number,” he said.

       “In some countries, including Haiti, there may not be enough resources to support a specific tsunami warning centre for something that happens so infrequently.”

       He said that this system was relatively inexpensive to fix and operate.

       “To get it down to an hour for everywhere affected would cost $50m initial investment and then 10% of that to maintain it,” he said.

       “That’s not a terribly expensive system considering the potential savings of lives.”

1.In which section would you probably read the passage in a newspaper?

       A.Education and Society

       B.Culture and Leisure

       C.Science and Technology

       D.Health and Medicine

2.How many buoys would at least be needed for global tsunami warnings within half an hour?

       A.150                     B.100                     C.75                      D.50

3.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

       A.The system can warn people of the coming of tsunami directly after the earthquake.

       B.We can’t escape the danger of tsunami within 30 minutes following the earthquake.

       C.Each country can easily afford a tsunami warning centre though it seldom happens.

       D.It’s worthwhile to spend money on the warning system for possible savings of lives.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

       A.Tsunami Assessment                            B.Earthquake detecting

       C.Disaster Warning System                      D.Life Saving System





1.   对象:高二学生。

2.   目的: 培养基本技能,提高设计能力。

3.   要求:  1)能使用不同类型的常见工具,修理、设计和制作一些物品。






Senior high school students in Zhejiang province are doing a new course called General Technology._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________











I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school.She holds view


that senior three students have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons.It


seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I’ll unable to control myself and forget all about


my study.She also thinks it is bad for my eye.And I really can’t accept her ideas.In my opinion,


watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard work.Besides, it is important for us to know


what had happened at home and at abroad.Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.





       A.Use cash.Instead of paying things with credit cards, use cash for non-bill spending such as eating out, gas and groceries.Spending cash makes the spending more real, and there’s an added advantage of knowing when you’re out of cash.

       B.Small weekly savings transfers.I got this idea from my friend, who automatically deducts(扣除) $20 a week from his check to savings.I decided that I could live with the deduction of $40/week without really feeling it — it’s a relatively small transfer that I barely notice, and I save about $2,000 a year!

       C.Stay at home.Going out makes you spend money unnecessarily.You eat at restaurants, go to the mall, and stop at the gas station for snacks.It’s hard to avoid spending when you’re on the road.Instead, stay at home and find free entertainment.It’s also a great way to bond with your family.


       D.Don’t get catalogs(商品宣传册).Their announcements of sales or cool new products make it very temting(引诱人的) to buy something you don’t need.Instead, stop getting the catalogs, and you’ll spend less.

       E.Keep a 30-day list.If you have an impulse(冲动) to buy something you don’t absolutely need, put it on a 30-day list.You can’t buy anything but necessities — everything else goes on the list.When the 30 days are up, you can buy it — but most likely, the strong urge to buy it will be gone, and you can evaluate it more calmly.

       F.Cook at home.I know it seems more difficult than eating out.But it doesn’t have to be hard.Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies.Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice.Not only is this much cheaper than eating out, but it’s healthier.


1.Mr.And Mrs.Brown are a newly-married couple who work in the same company.They don’t earn much in their work, but they have to spend a larger part of their income to pay for their rent and daily necessities.Furthermore, they seldom eat at home because neither of them cooks well.Therefore, they have to pay a lot more extra money for food.

2.Mrs.Wang enjoys shopping very much because she is free all day long.Whenever she is wandering in the shops or stores, she will have a strong impulse and find it difficult for her to get back home with her hands empty.But it is quite often that she will find what she has bought is almost useless when she gets home.

3.Tony is a university student in New York, who is far away from his parents.He pays everything with his credit card.He finds it very cool for him to purchase with his credit card.However, he often finds his money has already run out in the middle of the month.

4.Miss Betty is a high school girl whose parents give her some money every week.As her parents don’t earn much money, she wants to save some money secretly so that she can buy a digital camera.

5.Miss Catherine is a young girl who is easily to be persuaded into buying something useless.She will get encouraged to buy something when she sees an advertisement.Her parents have warned her many times against doing such stupid things, but it doesn’t work much.




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