满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The traffic problems we are looking for...


 The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing _____ should have attracted the government's attention.

A. solving            B. solve          C. to solve       D. solved


D 【解析】


 _______ is believed, all the scientists subscribe to the view ______ the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy.

A. It;   \      B. As ;  that      C. It;  if    D. As;  whether




______ the fantastic sight, I stayed at the top, _______.

A. This was ; watching               B. Because this was ; watched 

C. Not having seen; watching          D. Having not seen; |watched




 ----I can’t make myself _______ in English

  ----Don’t lose heart. You are sure to make others ____ you in English if you keep on studying it.

A. understood; understanding        B. understood ; understood 

C. understanding; understood        D. understood; understand




__________ can you expect success.

   A. By working hard              B. Working hard    

C. Only with hard work           D. Through hard work




 —Is there anything special you’d like for the dinner, Teddy?

—Nothing ______, as usual, Mummy.

A. on the whole    B. in particular     C. in general    D. in total



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