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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从...


第二节 完形填空(20小题;每小题15分,共30)


I went to a birthday party and I remembered what you said. You told me not to drink at all, so I had a Sprite(雪碧)  36  . I felt proud of myself, that I didn’t choose to drink and drive  37  some friends said I should.

I knew I made a wise  38 . Your advice to me was right. As the party  39  ended and the kids drove out of sight, I got into my own  40 , sure to get home at once, never  41  what was coming — something I  42  least. Now I’m lying on the roadside, and I can hear the policeman say:“The kid that caused this accident was  43 .” His voice seems far away. My own blood (血) is all around me. I try hard not to  44 . I can hear someone say: ”This girl is going to die.”

I’m sure the guy had no idea while he was flying  45 . Because he chose to  46 and drive, now I will have to die. So why do people do it since they know that it ruins  47 ? But now the pain is cutting me  48  a hundred stabbing(刺痛的)knives. Tell my sister not to be  49 , tell Daddy to be brave, and if possibly I have to see  50 , put “Daddy’s Girl” on my grave(墓穴).

Someone should have  51  him that it’s wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his mom and dad had done so, I wouldn’t be like this. My  52  is getting shorter. I’m getting really scared. These are my final  53  and I’m so  54  .

D. too

D. though

D. discovery

D. simply

D. habit

D. repeating

D. expected

D. destroyed

D. talk

D. highly

D. drink

D. friendships

D. by

D. sad

D. God

D. showed

D. happiness

D. pleasures

D. unprepared

D. think


C. either

C. unless

C. adventure

C. finally

C. way

C. arguing

C. cared

C. drunk

C. smile

C. lowly

C. sing

C. lives

C. with

C. popular

C. the doctors

C. taught

C. dream

C. trouble

C. disagreed

C. wish


B. instead

B. because

B. travel

B. slowly

B. room

B. knowing

B. considered

B. replaced

B. laugh

B. high

B. talk

B. opinions

B. as

B. angry

B. Mum

B. made

B. period

B. moments

B. disliked

B. mean

I wish that you could hold me, Mom, as I lie here and die. I  55  that I could say to you, I love you and goodbye.

36. A. as well

37. A. after

38. A. choice

39. A. firstly

40. A. car

41. A. explaining

42. A. unexpected

43. A. lost

44. A. cry

45. A. low

46. A. smoke

47. A. health

48. A. like

49. A. lucky

50. A. my friends

51. A. asked

52. A. breath

53. A. time

54. A. unknown

55. A. hope


36—40 BDACA    41—45 BDCAB  46—50 DCADD    51—55CABDC 【解析】


 I go to the cinema        .

A. every three week    B. every other weeks   C. each three weeks      D. every third week




 A new cinema         here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built        B. is built            C. has been built         D. is being built




Only when the war was over         return home.

A. he was able to      B. was he able to      C. could he be able to     D. would he be able




The reason         he did not come was       he was ill.

   A. that; why              B. that; that           C. why; that        D. why; which




—My bicycle didn’t work yesterday, so I didn’t go there with Tom.

—You       mine. I wasn’t using it then.

A. can have used          B. need have used      C. must have used    D. could have used



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