满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共35分) 第一节:短文改错。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分...


第Ⅱ卷  (非选择题,共35分)


文中共有10处错误, 错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






I start school when I was five. The classes were small and the teachers were friendly. At the eleven I went to other school. Things didn’t go so well as before. I hated to study subject such as biology and physics and I got terribly marks in tests. My parents tried to teach me what I didn’t understand, and it didn’t help. I got very worrying about my exams. Even though I spent a lot of time review my lessons, I failed all the exams and had to take them again a few months late. That was the worst year of my school life. But I never gave up. Now I am proud my career as a successful engineer.


I start school when I was five. The classes were small and the teachers were friendly. At         started the eleven I went to other school. Things didn’t go so well as before. I hated to study subject such                 another                                              subjects as biology and physics and I got terribly marks in tests. My parents tried to teach me what I didn’t                           terrible understand, and it didn’t help. I got very worrying about my exams. Even though I spent a lot of           but                    worried time review my lessons, I failed all the exams and had to take them again a few months late. That     reviewing                                                          later was the worst year of my school life. But I never gave up. Now I am proud my career as a                                                            of successful engineer. 【解析】




I come from a close, loving family. I have three elder brothers.

My parents owned a wood supply business.  71  When I was a kid, people used to laugh at my dad and say his volunteer work was his business and his business was his hobby .That rubbed off on me. For example, I was a Big Brother in high school, and I continued doing volunteer work in college.

In 1979, just before graduation, my brother Mark asked if I’d like to help him start a software company.  72  And I was happy that later it became very unusual in the software industry. Once I started working, I continued to volunteer.

  73  So I volunteer to company the elderly persons who live alone. I met Malcolm, who’s physically healthy.  74  He is also interested in my work. He often says “You can get caught up being the CEO of a half-billion-dollar software company very quickly.”

I learn kindness, humility(谦恭), a positive outlook on life from Malcolm.  75  But we have been together for five years and there is no end in sight.

A. So I joined his company.    

B. They are successful in the business.

C. Most people volunteer for a year.   

D. But they were active volunteers in our community.

E. He learn how to do volunteer work from me .

F. I’m a big believer that you learn from those around you by volunteering.

G. We talk about what friends talk about.



Next comes the question________you want to put in the box?







The days are approaching________the World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai.







Zhou Yang of China won____women's 1500 meters short track speed skating gold medal at

________Vancouver Olympic Winter Games on Saturday.

A.a ,the

B.the ,the

C./ ,the

D.the ,/






1. 不要失去信心,不要怕讲错,不要怕别人嘲笑。

2. 在课内课外尽可能多地讲英语,熟能生巧。

3. 在课堂上要积极发言,争取讲英语的机会。如果讲错,老师会帮助他。

4. 你相信假如他坚持下去,一定能提高英语口语水平。

  注意: 词数100左右。

Dear John,

      Thank you for your letter.______________________________________________





     Best wishes,


                                                     Li Hua



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