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B She went back to China to study journ...



       She went back to China to study journalism at Peking University. She is also 45 ________________ a sports program about the 2008 Beijing Olympics. She even hopes to 46 _______________ table tennis in the special 47 _______________ for disabled people in 2008 .She tells people that she likes to think about positive things and stay optimistic. She believes that keeping busy helps her to stay 48 _______________.


45. hosting  46. play   47. Olympics   48.positive 【解析】


完形填空II. 根据所学语段,用适当的词填空。(共8个小题;每小题1分,满分8分)

         Crystal’s popularity 41 _________ all age groups and his ability 42 ____________people all over the world prove that stand-up can be enjoyed by everyone. You can expect to hear a lot more from Billy Crystal---he has no plans to stop 43 _____________ films, or to stop telling jokes .He hopes to follow in the footsteps of other famous comedians ,such as Bob hope and George Burns, 44 _____________ lived to be 100 years old and kept working until the end of their lives.




完形填空 I :阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共12个小题;每小题1分,满分12分)

A businessman was on a business trip to Tokyo. One day he went to    29   some gifts for his employees (雇员) back in his country. He    30    a supermarket. A lady smiled and   welcomed him. He was very touched, and felt good .Because he was not able to    31    the warmth of her smile, he was watching her as he was    32   . She was giving the same    33    to all the people who walked into the supermarket.

The businessman started thinking if she hated doing the same thing. So he asked, “My dear lady, are you    34    of doing this job?” The lady smiled and said, “No, sir, I have    35    here for the last 10 years and I love my job.” The businessman was surprised and asked, “Why have you stayed here for ten years, and why do you like your job   36    much?” The lady said, “Because I am doing something good for my    37   .” The businessman found this interesting. He asked, “Why?” The lady said, “As most of our customers are    38   , they spend foreign currency here. So our country has a lot of money and becomes richer. People who are happy with our service will 39   _____ more often and spend more money in our country.”

Surprised by her    40   , the businessman thanked her. After returning to his own country he worked hard to introduce the same attitude (态度) to his workers, and today his company is one of the best companies in the world.

29. A. buy                                   B. order         C. make                           D. pay

30. A. opened                           B. cleaned       C. entered                        D. checked 

31. A. require                          B. enjoy         C. hide                                  D. forget  

32. A. traveling                          B. working       C. singing                                      D. shopping

33. A. feeling                          B. smile         C. warmth                           D. watching 

34. A. fond                                  B. tired           C. proud                                       D. afraid

35. A. stood                                 B. learned         C. worked                          D. lived 

36. A. so                                  B. very            C. even                                 D. enough

37. A. home                                B. country          C. supermarket               D. boss 

38. A. millionaires                 B. managers       C. strangers                 D. foreigners 

39. A. praise                                B. visit             C. talk                                 D. save 

40. A. action                                B. service          C. attitude                          D. help 




 Apart from the urgent problems _____________by wars and conflicts, the UN helps countries with other problems such as lack of education ,lack of food , poverty ,disasters and disease.

A. to cause                    B. having been caused   C. caused                 D. having caused




 Now let me tell you the work I have been doing with them. My job with the UN is not paid, but voluntary and as I said _______, I mainly visit countries where the UN has programs to help people. 

A. before                     B. although                 C. even           D. in case




 If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you _____________what we were talking about.  

A. would know        B. would have known       C. knew      D. had known



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