满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How many nationalities ______ our countr...


How many nationalities ______ our country ______?

   A. is; consisted of                                           B. does; make up 

   C. is; made from                                           D. does; consist of


D 【解析】


 No matter how I tried to read it, the message did not ______ to me.

   A. understand            B. make out    C. turn out          D. make sense




 — Do you like living here?

   —Yes, but I’m still ____ to the new time zone.

   A. adopting                  B. acting                   C. clarifying               D. adjusting




 — Have you heard the latest news?

   —No, what______?

    A. is it               B. is there        C. are they         D. are those




There is no doubt that holding such____ National Day parade will significantly enhance (提高) ____national pride and self-confidence of Chinese People.

 A. a; the                            B. a; a                         C. the; the                 D. the; a





1. He is always serious and doesn’t like ____________  ___________  __________  _________(被开玩笑).

2. Whoever wants to ______________ (成功) has to work hard.

3. I got up late. __________   _________   ____________, I missed the train.(结果)

4. They deeply a___________________ his kindness.

5. As we know, smoking, which ________________(影响) our health, is a bad habit.

6. The antelope is in danger of  ________________  ______________ (灭绝).

7. He helped me s___________ a mathematical problem.

8. ______________  ____________  ______________, his biology has improved, but there’s still a long way to go.(在某种程度上)

9. Tom p_______________ to be reading a book when the teacher entered the classroom.

10. Jane Austen’s works, which are still ______________   _______________  __________, have been made into movies again and again.(评价高)



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