满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

B.根据句子意思,从方框中选择适当的词组并将其正确形式填入句中横线上 compe...


compete in /think highly of/ care about/ agree with/ get familiar with/

make up/sort out/in search of / live in peace with/ make a bargain with

71. It is said that Albert Einstein didn’t__________________clothes.

72. Over the past thirty years, more and more overseas Chinese have come to mainland __________________ family roots.

73. He hoped that he would be__________________in the company.

74. I respect him, but I don’t __________________him on everything.

75. He will __________________the 100 meter race at the school sports meeting.

76. I__________________him that if he taught me English, I would teach him Chinese.

77. The teacher is really good at__________________interesting stories for children.

78. The roommates gradually learned to __________________one another.

79. I lived in London for six years and gradually__________________the people and the culture.

80. Jenny__________________the clothes, some to be kept, some to be thrown away.


71.care about  72.in search of   73.thought highly of   74.agree with    75.compete in   76.made a bargain with    77.making up   78.live in peace with    79.got familiar with   80.sorted out   【解析】略


Ⅰ. 词汇应用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


66. She worked day and night and now she         (应得到)a good rest.

67. The country’s best artists spent ten years         (装饰)the Amber Room with gold and jewels.

68.         (个人而言)speaking, I don’t like the way he spoke to me.

69. We all dream of our country becoming more and more          (强大).

70. Some actors can not sing well and they just           (假装)to sing during the broadcasts.



The World Health Organization raised the pandemic(流行病) flu alert(警戒) to six, the highest level, which means that the H1N1 swine flu is spreading world-wide.

The WHO will ask all countries, including the countries that haven’t yet reported any cases, to make plans to control this disease.

“It was reported that about 35,000 people infected with the H1N1 virus in 74 counties,” Margaret Chan, an officer of the WHO, said on Thursday. “Further spread of the disease is possible,” Ms Chan said. So far, WHO doesn’t expect a sudden jump in the number of serious or dead cases reported.

In Australia, the number of people who got the flu became more than three times as many as before in the past week, reaching 1,263 on Thursday, when three new ones were reported in this country. It recorded its first case of the disease on May 9. “Australia tells us not because of the number of cases, but because of the strong facts of community transmission(群体性传播),” said the spokesman for the World Health Organization. He said the WHO is also watching on similar evidence in the UK, Spain, Japan and Chile.

In Hong Kong, the government on Thursday ordered the nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools to close for two weeks after a dozen students at one school tested positive for swine flu. Elsewhere in Asia, health officials in Thailand found 30 new H1N1 cases, raising the total there to 46.

54. How many levels does WHO use to warn people against the pandemic flu?

A. Five.                       B. Six.                         C. Seven.                            D. Eight.

55. WHO raised the pandemic flu alert to the highest level because       .

A. all countries in the world have reported dead cases                        

B. there is a sudden jump in the number of cases reported

C. there is no medicine to cure this flu 

D. it is spreading in the world                 

56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The number of people who got the flu has dropped slightly in the past week in Australia.

B. The WHO ask the countries that have reported cases to make plans to control the disease.

C. The number of people who got the flu reached more than 1,000 in Australia on Thursday.

D. The Hong Kong government ordered all schools to close for two weeks on Thursday.

57. This passage mainly tells us something about        .

A. WHO’s raising the pandemic flu alert

B. how to prevent this kind of flu         

C. people who got the pandemic flu

D. the ways to avoid the serious pandemic flu



第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A poor traveller stopped under the tree to eat the boiled rice and vegetables which he had brought with him. A few metres away, there was a small shop by the side of the road where a woman was frying (油炸)fish and selling it to travelers. The woman watched the poor traveler carefully, and when he finished his food and began to go, she shouted rudely, “You haven’t paid me for the fried fish!”

“But I have not had any fried fish!” he said.

“But everyone can see that you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish with your rice and vegetables,” said the woman, “If you had not smelled the fish, your meal would not have been so pleasant!”

Soon a crowd collected, and although they supported the poor traveler, they had to admit that wind was blowing from the shop to the place where he had eaten, and that it had carried the smell of the fried fish to him.

Finally, the woman took the poor traveler to a judge, who said, “The woman says that the traveler ate his meal with the smell of her fried fish. The traveler agrees that the wind was blowing from the woman’s shop to the place where he ate his rice and vegetables, and that it carried the smell of her fried fish to his nose while he was eating, so he must pay for it. What does your fried fish cost?” he asked the woman.

“Twenty-five cents a plate,” she answered, delighted.

“Then go outside together,” said the judge. “There the traveler must hold up a twenty-five-cent piece so that its shadow(影子)falls on the woman’s hand. The price of the smell of a plate of fried fish is the shadow of twenty-five cents.”

51. The traveler refused to pay the woman for the fried fish because       .

A. he was poor                                                 B. he was rude

C. he was supported by a crowd                  D. he hadn’t eaten her fried fish at all

52. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The traveler bought the boiled rice and vegetables and ate them by the side of the road.

B. The judge had no idea what the woman meant.

C. In the fifth paragraph, the first “it” has the same meaning as the second “it”.

D. The woman got nothing but the shadow of twenty-five cents in the end.

53. The best title for the passage should be       .

A. The Smell and the Shadow

B. A Poor Traveler

C. A Rude Woman

D. A Woman and a Traveler





My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It is funny now but it wasn’t at that time.

Last Friday, after doing all family   31    in town, I wanted a rest   32    catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the    33   coffee shop—that cheap, self–service place with long    34    to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to   35    a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next   36    . It was one of those wild-looking youngsters,   37    dark glasses and worn clothes, and    38   colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did    39    me was that he had started to eat my chocolate.

Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid    40    —and really I was rather   41   

about him, I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me   42    , then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could   43     believe it. Still I didn’t dare to   44   an argument. When he took a    45    piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece”. And I got it.

The boy    46    me a strange look, then stood up. As he left he shouted out,” This   47    is crazy.” Everyone stared. That was embarrassing(令人难堪的)enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to   48   . My face went red—as red as his hair—when I    49    I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate that he had been taking. There was mine, unopened, just    50    my newspaper.

31. A. cooking                            B. running                    C. shopping                  D. reading     

32. A. after                          B. as                            C. while                D. before

33. A. airport                       B. park                         C. station               D. hotel

34. A. bridges                      B. tables                C. desks                D. fences

35. A. keep                         B. make                       C. take                         D. have

36. A. seat                          B. room                       C. chair                 D. door

37. A. on                             B. with                         C. by                           D. between

38. A. hair                          B. button               C. hands                D. eyes

39. A. frighten                            B. worry               C. encourage          D. surprise

40. A. matter                       B. thing                 C. trouble                     D. danger

41. A. difficult                        B. excited                     C. uneasy                     D. worried

42. A. quickly                      B. closely                     C. happily                    D. friendly

43. A. seldom                      B. nearly               C. almost               D. hardly

44. A. avoid                         B. follow               C. attack                D. make

45. A. second                       B. third                 C. fourth               D. fifth

46. A. took                         B. kept                         C. gave                        D. turned

47. A. woman                      B. man                         C. boy                          D. kid

48. A. run                         B. leave                 C. calm                        D. prepare

49. A. guessed                      B. regretted           C. said                         D. realized

50. A. in                              B. with                         C. under                D. for



The woman, when ______ how her husband was injured, began to cry.


B.to ask





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