满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—What fruit is in season now? —Pears and...

—What fruit is in season now?

—Pears and apples, ______.

A.I know

B.I think

C.I see

D.I feel


B 【解析】根据对话上文可知,对别人提出问题的发表自己的看法应用I think(我认为)

—Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?

— ______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.

A.I’d like to

B.I like it.

C.I don’t

D.I will









One day in the restaurant where I worked,I am serving a                               76._______

table of four and each person had ordered the different                                          77._______

kind of fish.Three plate were already on the table when                                  78._______

the man closest to me pointing to one plate and asked me                               79._______

the name of the fish on it.Before I could answer him,he                                 80._______

continued to ask me the name of the fish on another one                                 81._______

plate.I was about to answer him while I noticed that the                                 82._______

last plate on my tray(托盘) began to fall.They fell noisily                               83._______

to the floor seconds late,spreading its contents on the                                     84._______

carpet.Everyone stared me and I stood there with a red face.                                  85._______



It may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.At some point in every speech,every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned.Fortunately,such moments are usually not obvious(明显的) to the listeners.Why?Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say.They hear only what the speaker does say.If you lose your place for a moment,wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences,or forget to pause at a certain point,no one will be any the wiser.When such moments occur,don’t worry about them.Just continue as if nothing happened.

Even if you do make an obvious mistake during a speech,that doesn’t really matter.If you have ever listened to Martin Luther King’s famous speech—“I Have a Dream”,you may notice that he stumbles(结巴) over his words twice during the speech.Most likely,however,you don’t remember.Why?Because you were fixing your attention on his message rather than on his way of speech-making.

People care a lot about making a mistake in a speech because they regard speech-making as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication(交流).They feel the listeners are like judges in an ice-skating competition.But,in fact,the listeners are not looking for a perfect performance.They are looking for a well-thought-out speech that expresses the speaker’s ideas clearly and directly.Sometimes a mistake or two can actually increase a speaker’s attractiveness by making him more human.

As you work on your speech,don’t worry about being perfect.Once you free your mind of this,you will find it much easier to give your speech freely.

1.The underlined part in the first paragraph means that no one will _______.

A.be smarter than you

B.notice your mistakes

C.do better than you

D.know what you are talking about

2.You don’t remember obvious mistakes in a speech because _______.

A.your attention is on the content

B.you don’t fully understand the speech

C.you don’t know what the speaker plans to say

D.you find the way of speech-making more important

3.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.giving a speech is like giving a performance

B.one or two mistakes in a speech may not be bad

C.the listeners should pay more attention to how a speech is made

D.the more mistakes a speaker makes,the more attractive he will be

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.How to Be a Perfect Speaker

B.How to Make a Perfect Speech

C.Don’t Expect a Perfect Speech

D.Don’t Expect Mistakes in a Speech



All her life,my mother wanted busy children.It was very important that her house should remain at all times clean and tidy.

You could turn your back for a moment in my mother’s house,leave a half-written letter on the dining room table,a magazine open on the chair,and turn around to find that my mother had “put it back where it belonged,”as she explained.

My wife,one of her first visits to my mother’s house,placed a packet of biscuits on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink.When she returned,she found the packet had been removed.Confused(疑惑的),she set down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits,only to return to find that her drink had disappeared.Up to then she had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks,so as not to make water rings on the end tables.Now she knows better.

These disappearances had a confusing effect on our family.We were all inclined to(有……的倾向) forgetfulness,and it was common for one of us,upon returning from the bathroom,to find that every sign of his work in progress had disappeared suddenly.“Do you remember what I was doing?”was a question frequently asked,but rarely answered.

Now my sister has developed a second-hand love of clean windows,and my brother does the cleaning in his house,perhaps to avoid having to be the one to lift his feet.I try not to think about it too much,but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.

We have all become busy persons.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about my mother?

A.She enjoyed removing others’ drinks.

B.She became more and more forgetful.

C.She preferred to do everything by herself.

D.She wanted to keep her house in good order.

2.My wife could not find her biscuits and drink in my mother’s house because _______.

A.she had already finished them

B.my mother had taken them away

C.she forgot where she had left them

D.someone in my family was holding them

3.The underlined part in the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister _______.

A.is happy to clean windows

B.loves to clean used windows

C.is fond of clean used windows

D.likes clean windows as my mother did

4.This passage mainly tells us that _______.

A.my mother often made us confused

B.my family members had a poor memory

C.my mother helped us to form a good habit

D.my wife was surprised when she visited my mother



Most rain forests lie close to the equator(赤道),where the climate is often mild and there are long hours of sunshine.The warmth of the land heats the air above,causing it to rise and tiny drops of water to fall as rain.The rainfall can reach at least 98 inches a year.This wet,warm world with plenty of sunlight is perfect for plants to grow,so the trees grow fast with green leaves all the year round.The trees themselves also have an effect on the climate.They gather water from the soil and pass it out into the air through their leaves.The wet air then forms clouds,which hang over the treetops like smoke.These clouds protect the forest from the daytime heat and night-time cold of nearby deserts,keeping temperatures fit for plant growth.

Rain forests slightly farther away from the equator remain just as warm,but they have a dry season of three months or more when little rain falls.Tree leaves fall during this dry season and new leaves grow when the wet season or monsoon(雨季) begins.Thus these areas are known as the “monsoon forest”.

Another type of rain forest grows on tropical mountains.It is often called the “cloud forest” because clouds often hang over the trees like fog.

The rain forest is the ideal place for the growth of many different trees.Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds.When the fruits are eaten,the seeds inside them go undamaged through animals’ stomachs and are passed out in their droppings.The seeds lying on the forest floor then grow into new trees.

1.The climate of the rain forests near the equator is _______.

A.mild,wet and windy

B.hot,rainy and foggy

C.hot,wet and cloudy

D.warm,wet and sunny

2.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A.tree leaves are green all the time in the monsoon forest

B.there is a dry season in the cloud forest on tropical mountains

C.clouds help the plants in the rain forest near the deserts to grow

D.the formation of climate in the rain forest has little to do with the trees

3.According to the passage,_______ play the most important role in the spreading of seeds.





4.This passage is most likely to be found in _______.

A.a travel guide

B.a story book

C.a technical report

D.a geography book



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