满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达: (满分20分) 最近,你班就“考试”这一话题举行了一次讨论会。请根据...

书面表达: (满分20分)





1. 有人得高分就兴高采烈,考试不及格就情绪低落。2. 有的为了取得好成绩,甚至不参加任何课外活动。3. 如果没有考试,大家就不必为此担心,还可以选 择自己喜欢的科目,多参加课外活动,在社会实践中学习更多的东西。




    1. 短文必须包括所有要点。

2. 词数:120左右。

3. 参考词汇:改革reform  v. & n.  ; 课外活动 extra-curricular activities

4. 文章的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数:

Recently we had a discussion about examinations. Some students think that it is very important to have an exam._______________________________________________________


One possible version: Recently we had a discussion about examinations. Some students think that it is very important to have an exam. By taking exams, they can know how they are getting along with their studies, and the exam results also make them study hard. However, other students don’t think so. They say that if they get high marks in exams, they are very excited. But when they fail, they will be in very low spirits. What’s worse, they don’t usually take part in other extra-curricular activities in order to do well in exams. If there are no exams, students don’t have to worry about marks. In that case, they can choose the subjects they like, take part in more activities and learn more through social practice, which will greatly benefit students in the future. In my opinion, it is necessary to have exams. But our exams should be reformed. It should test not only our knowledge, but also our practical abilities. 【解析】略

◆A swimming coach from Moldova is looking for a job in Beijing. Qualifications as: Coach/Judge at National Standard; Olympian(Randed 12th in the world in 1995), World Cup Silver Medallist. Experienced children’s coach at all levels; Qualified driver(B,C,D,E categories); Bodybuilding instructor; Proficient in Russian, English, Romanian, Ukrainian.

Contact Max Cazmirciuc at: 13126711168 or email:mcazmirciuc@yahoo.com

◆     A retired president and CEO of two Canadian companies, interested in teaching English or

French in China.

Cellphone: 13520559132, email: Jeanguyfurois@aol.com

◆Web design graduates are available. For details visit: www.inhb.com, or call Liu or Tang at: 0311-3160000. Email: luogq@beinfo.net

◆Female Beijinger, 39, has a decade’s experience in import-export business, human resources management, interpretation and secretarial work. I have a good command of computer skills and am good at English, both writing and speaking.

Mobile: 13611163663

◆Laid-off workers are providing PC maintenance services such as system upgrade, virus detection and removal, data copying and recovering, system utilization and security.

Call:6732 7317

56. The purpose of the advertisement is_________.

A. to teach at a school              B. to start a business

C. to seek employment                D. to work as web designers

57. We can learn from the advertisements that ________.

A. some foreigners are interested in working in China.

B. it’s not easy for web design graduates to get a job.

C. female Beijingers would like to advertise in a newspaper.

D. all the laid-off workers have applied for a job in a newspaper.

58. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. A retired CEO would like to teach in China.

B. A bodybuilding instructor has to speak 4 foreign languages.

C. A Beijinger has rich experience in human resource management.

D. If a company wants a web designer it can call at 0311-3160000.



―Did you hear the news this morning?

―Oh, yes, ________ was announced on the radio has caused great excitement among pupils.




D.all what



 It was with great courage ______ the boy told the truth _______ he had stolen the money.

A.which; that

B.when; what

C.as; that

D.that; that



________ as one, the people of that country eventually drove the invaders (侵略者)out of their country.







 Thousands of athletes______ in many countries will compete _______ medals in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

A.involved; in

B.involving; by

C.to involve; against

D.involved; for



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