满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like 21, whatever it might be, 22 I tried it. Over the years I’ve come to 23 how much of my success I owe to my 24 of those words as one of my values. My 25 job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I 26 what I wanted to do as a career (职业) .  27 I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didn’t think the job I took 28 that much . I couldn’t have been more 29. I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity (机会) to 30 through the company into different 31. I adopted each new opportunity with the 32, “Well, I’ll try it; if I don’t like it I can always go back to my 33 position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years , and I’ve 34 every career change I’ve made. I’ve discovered I 35 a large number of different talents (才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities. I’ve also discovered that if I 37 what I’m doing and word hard at achieving my 38. I will succeed. That’s why I am so 39 to be a part of CareerFables.com. I think 40 has come and I am determined to make it a success.

21. A. everything     B. something   C. everybody    D. somebody

22. A. until after      B. ever since   C. so that       D. long before科23. A. consider      B. argue        C. include      D. realize

24. A. suggestion    B. explanation   C. acceptance     D. discussion学科25. A. hard         B. best         C. extra         D. first

26. A. determined    B. examined   C. experienced    D. introduced

27 A.  Actually     B. Gradually     C. Finally       D. Usually

28. A. helped       B. required      C. expressed      D. mattered

29. A. careful      B. mistaken      C. interested      D. prepared

30. A. look up      B. take up       C. move up       D. put up

31. A. situations    B. choices       C.  directions     D. positions学网

32. A. thought     B.  reply        C. action         D.  advice

33. A. easier      B.  newer        C.  earlier        D.  higher

34. A. permitted    B. counted      C. organized      D. enjoyed

35. A. show       B. possess       C. need         D. gather

36. A. lucky for    B. slow at       C. open to       D. afraid of

37. A. think of     B. give away     C. believe in     D. turn into

38. A. business    B. goal         C. fortune       D. growth

39. A. excited     B. curious       C. surprised     D. helpful

40. A. dream      B. time         C. power       D. honor


2 21—25 BADCD 26—30 AADBC 31—35 DACDB 36—40 CCBAB 【解析】 21、考察对文章主题的把握。本句式一个主题句,本题的关键是弄清楚这个长句的结构。 22、同上。 23、考察固定搭配结合语境的正确使用。Come to realize,逐渐意识到,逐渐开始明白。这是完型中经常遇到的表达。 24、根据句子后半部分,就会联想起来常用搭配accept……as……。故选accept的对应形式。意思为“我开始意识到,我的成功很大程度上归功于我对这句话的接受并作为我的行为准则。” 25、根据下文可知作者做这份工作时候,还没有结婚,需要过几年才结婚,所以最有可能是他毕业后的第一份工作。 26、考察动词在语境中的词义辨析。determined,决定,确定,断定。在这句话中“直到我确定我做的工作就可以作为我的职业。” 27、考察副词语义的辨析。actually实际上。句意为:事实上当时我认为我会工作几年,然后结婚,所以我没有对那件工作当回事。 28、考察语意的理解。句意同上。 29、考察上下文语意照应和固定句式的使用。根据下文可知作者一接触这个工作就对它产生了兴趣。本句涉及了一个句型“否定级+比较级”表最高级含义。 30、考察动词词组的语义辨析。move up升迁,晋职。结合文章内容可知作者在这个单位做的很成功,所以应该是升职。 31、positions表示“职务,位置”。作者一路升迁到各个职位。 32、根据引号内的内容“I will try it……”这应该是作者的想法thought。 33、尝试新的位置,如果不行还可以退回到以前的职位。 34、考察动词在语境中的含义。根据上文29空,可知作者对这个单位的工作都很感兴趣。 35、考察动词与名词的搭配。 36、选对这个空的关键是读懂这个长句子“I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities.”这个句子是虚拟语气的句子,包含有if引导的虚拟条件句,只是把if省了,从句使用了倒装结构。 37、believe in 相信……有好处,相信……能成功。 38、考察名词词义与动词的搭配。achieve my goal,达到目标。 39、考察形容词词意辨析。Be excited to do,做某事很有激情,很兴奋。 40、考察名词词义辨析。Time,合适的时机。

I can’t leave. She told me that I_____ stay here until she comes back. 

 A. can      B. must     C. will     D. may



—— Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here. 

 ——_____ ,as a matter of fact.

 A. Go ahead      B. Yes, my pleasure

 C. Yes, I do      D. Come on



 It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting_ ____ . 



My friend showed me round the town, _____  was very kind of him. 

 A. which         B. that         C. where        D. it



They use computers to keep the traffic _____ smoothly. 

 A. being run       B. run         C. to run        D. running



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