满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Societies all over the world name places...

Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points of reference by people. Then an organized body steps in and gives the place a name. Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habitsdied hard, and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost.

Many roads and places in Singapore(新加坡) are named in order that the pioneers will be remembered by future generations. Thus we have names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place. This is in keeping with traditions in many countries ---- in both the West and the East.

Another way of naming places is naming them after other places. Perhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named after. The mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British bases. If you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circus ----obviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel.

Sine places were named after the activities that used to go on at those places. Bras Basah Road is an interesting example, “Base Basah” means “wet rice” in Malay(马来语). Now why would anyone want to name a road “Wet Rice Road”? The reason is simple. During the pioneering days, wet rice was laid out to dry along this road.

A few roads in Singapore are named by their shapes. There is “Circular Road” for one. Other roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes, like “Paya Lebar Crescent”. This road is called a crescent(月牙) because it begins on the main road, makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again.

1.We learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.

A.the government is usually the first to name a place

B.many places tend to have more than one name

C.a ceremony will be held when a place is named

D.people prefer the place names given by the government

2.What does the underlined phrase “die hard” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Change suddenly.

B.Change significantly.

C.Disappear mysteriously.

D.Disappear very slowly.

3.Which of the following places is named after a person?

A.Raffles Place.

B.Selector Airbase.

C.Piccadilly Circus.

D.Paya Lebar Crescent.

4. Bras Basah Road is named _______.

A.after a person

B.after a place

C.after an activity

D.by its shape

5.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Some place names in Singapore are the same as in Britain.

B.Some places in Singapore are named for military purposes.

C.The way Singaporeans name their places is unique.

D.Young Singaporeans have forgotten the pioneers.


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 【解析】 1.主旨大意题。由第一段可知,很多地方有不止一个名字。 2.细节理解题。由该短语所在的句意“尽管其意义已消失很时间,但人们仍然以非官方的名字来称呼该地方”可知,“旧的习俗消失很慢”。 3.细节理解题。从第二段前两句话可知。 4.细节理解题。从第四段前两句话可知。 5.推理判断题。B项中的military purposes在关于新加坡地名来历中没有涉及;由文章第二段最后一句可排除C项;由文章第二段可排除D项;而A项可由第三段推知。

假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。

1. 说明比赛的意义,如提高英语听说能力,养成读书的习惯等;

2. 说明比赛的注意事项,如每人演讲不超过5分钟,语言流利,发音准确等;

3. 预祝比赛圆满成功。


1.      词数:不少于100词;

2.      可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;

3.      发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to this year’s English speech competition._________________________

Thank you!



_____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.

A.Being encouraged



D.Having encouraged



The art show was _______ being a failure; it was a great success.

A.far from

B.along with

C.next to

D.regardless of



______ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.


B.Having completed

C.To have completed

D.To complete



---- Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.

---- _______.

A.I’d love to

B.I’m with you on that

C.It’s up to you

D.It’s my pleasure



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