满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

English is the native or official langua...

English is the native or official language of one-fifth of the land area of the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India it is one of the official languages.

More people study English than any other language. In many countries, the textbooks in universities are in English. Many university classes are taught in English even though the native language is not English.

English is the language of international communication. It is the language of international business, research, and science. More than three-fourths of the world’s mail is written in English. More than half of the scientific research journals are in English. Most other languages have borrowed many English words.

Why did English become the international language? In the middle of the nineteenth century, French was the international language. The Britain became very powerful in the world. England started colonies in North America and India in the seventeenth century. By 1900 England also had colonies in other parts of Asia, Africa and the South Pacific. The people in the colonies had to use English. Slowly it became more important than French internationally. After the Second World War, the United States became very powerful, and even more people began to learn English.

Is English a good international language? It has more words than any other language. The grammar is simpler than in other major languages. However, English spelling is difficult. Foreigners all have trouble spelling English. So do native speakers!

Since 1880, people have invented over fifty artificial (not natural) languages. No one speaks them as a native language. However, none of them has ever become popular. Some people don’t want to study English, but it is the international language. There is no way to change that now.

1.English is the native language of ______.

A.South Africa


C.All of Canada


2.England started a colony in India in the ______.





3.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A.The English grammar is simple in general.

B.It has a good vocabulary.

C.Its pronunciation sounds pleasant.

D.It is difficult to spell correctly.

4.The author concludes that____.

A.it is necessary to invent a new language.

B.English is the international language whether you like it or not

C.English is much better than other languages

D.English should be spoken all over the world


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】1.B 细节题。结合第一段English is the native or official language of one-fifth of the land area of the world. It is spoken in North America, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. In South Africa and India it is one of the official languages.可选出答案。 2.A 细节题。结合第四段The Britain became very powerful in the world. England started colonies in North America and India in the seventeenth century. 可选出答案。 3.C 细节题。结合第5段It has more words than any other language. The grammar is simpler than in other major languages. However, English spelling is difficult.排除C 项。文章中没有提及C 项。 4.B推断题。结合最后一段Some people don’t want to study English, but it is the international language. There is no way to change that now.可知不管你喜不喜欢,英语都是国际语言。

—It is rather cold here. Shall we light a fire?

   —No, we ______because things are easy to catch fire.

  A. won’t              B. can’t          C. mustn’t            D. needn’t



It is said that his health ______ by years of hard working.

  A. has been destroyed      B. has destroyed     C. is destroying     D. had been destroyed



Does everyone know what to do if a fire ______?

  A. is broken up   B. breaks up        C. is broken out    D. breaks out



It is obvious _________ he has known the news and he is very satisfied with the result.

  A. which          B. that             C. what          D. whether



We _______ in the office.

  A. are not permitted smoke            B. are not permitted smoking

C. don’t permit smoking              D. don’t permit to smoke



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